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Avia Weather - METAR & TAF

9.6 2K+

v3.8.6 di Remy Webservices UG

Su Avia Weather

L'app Meteo Aviation affidabile e semplice per i piloti e gli appassionati del settore aerospaziale. METAR-Reader decodifica e presenta gli attuali METAR di oltre 9500 aeroporti in tutto il mondo. Né più né meno. Una semplice codifica a colori consente una rapida classificazione in base alle condizioni VFR o IFR - come opzione anche da parte dello Stato colore NATO. Inoltre, le attuali previsioni meteorologiche TAF vengono recuperate e visualizzate chiaramente in una forma decodificata.
I componenti del vento trasversale della pista sono calcolati automaticamente in base all'attuale METAR. È inoltre disponibile un widget che può essere configurato per visualizzare METAR decodificato o METAR / TAF non elaborato.
Come bonus l'app offre l'accesso a NOTAM per le stazioni meteorologiche, che verranno scaricate, in parte decodificate e che possono essere contrassegnate individualmente come lette. In questo modo puoi facilmente tenere traccia di NOTAM nuovo e pertinente.
Nuove stazioni meteorologiche possono essere trovate in tutto il mondo con codici ICAO o IATA, nome dell'aeroporto o città. Possono essere organizzati in gruppi definiti dall'utente - e. g. per i tuoi percorsi più comuni o aeroporti alternativi. Inoltre, un gruppo gestito automaticamente presenta sempre stazioni meteorologiche vicine.
Per l'uso durante la notte, esiste un tema scuro che può essere attivato manualmente o automaticamente dal sistema (a seconda della versione di Android).

Aggiornamento Avia Weather 3.8.6

Compatibility with Android 15.
Leggi di Più
Caratteristiche Avia Weather

Versioni Precedenti


Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.6 XAPK APKs February 19, 2025 11.34 MB Scarica

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: d1e91451d1f7a57d6ed5703b884e119969f661e8

Size: 11.34 MB

What's New:

Compatibility with Android 15.

Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.5 XAPK APKs August 22, 2024 11 MB

Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.5 (174)

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: c04ac9c617d23c084b8fea506fb51e075109139e

Base APK: com.mytowntonight.aviationweather.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 11 MB

What's New:

Bugfix: Better support for increased font sizes throughout the app and the widget. To immediately redraw the widget after changing the system font settings, you may have to reconfigure it, e.g. by switching between light and dark mode or by selecting a different airport. Otherwise it will update in the regular interval.
arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Android 8.0+
Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.5 (174)

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 85c96681e1a7d8800d7432b7d912f41bd50025fb

Base APK: com.mytowntonight.aviationweather.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 11.01 MB

What's New:

Bugfix: Better support for increased font sizes throughout the app and the widget. To immediately redraw the widget after changing the system font settings, you may have to reconfigure it, e.g. by switching between light and dark mode or by selecting a different airport. Otherwise it will update in the regular interval.
arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Android 8.0+
Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.5 (174)

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 97332ec49807c45557f8d27ce6a725ec26de2633

Base APK: com.mytowntonight.aviationweather.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 11.01 MB

What's New:

Bugfix: Better support for increased font sizes throughout the app and the widget. To immediately redraw the widget after changing the system font settings, you may have to reconfigure it, e.g. by switching between light and dark mode or by selecting a different airport. Otherwise it will update in the regular interval.
arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Android 8.0+

Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.4 XAPK APKs August 17, 2024 10.99 MB

Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.4 (173)

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: b2f50da3a2d69fcef7bc05768903e912dac42335

Base APK: com.mytowntonight.aviationweather.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 10.99 MB

What's New:

Bugfix: Better support for increased font sizes throughout the app and the widget. To immediately redraw the widget after changing the system font settings, you may have to reconfigure it, e.g. by switching between light and dark mode or by selecting a different airport. Otherwise it will update in the regular interval.
arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Android 8.0+
Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.4 (173)

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 78650623ce6db00d2fdc2073a0a0b7cc16ba18e3

Base APK: com.mytowntonight.aviationweather.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 10.99 MB

What's New:

Bugfix: Better support for increased font sizes throughout the app and the widget. To immediately redraw the widget after changing the system font settings, you may have to reconfigure it, e.g. by switching between light and dark mode or by selecting a different airport. Otherwise it will update in the regular interval.
arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Android 8.0+

Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.3 XAPK APKs August 5, 2024 10.97 MB

Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.3 (172)

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: e1dbff4576f6cf45c6babb3ba7746577fc7517f2

Base APK: com.mytowntonight.aviationweather.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xhdpi, config.zh

Size: 10.97 MB

What's New:

Bugfix: New implementation of widget update process to fix update issues on newer Android versions.
Bugfix: Edit mode was not enabled/disabled for all groups, if the list of groups was longer than the display.
arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Android 8.0+
Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.3 (172)

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 4559b863b239e41a466060dfe3307c3c83e1cb2a

Base APK: com.mytowntonight.aviationweather.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 10.98 MB

What's New:

Bugfix: New implementation of widget update process to fix update issues on newer Android versions.
Bugfix: Edit mode was not enabled/disabled for all groups, if the list of groups was longer than the display.
arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Android 8.0+
Avia Weather - METAR & TAF 3.8.3 (172)

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 3989d43468a6778e45957479f97f867dbf15a47a

Base APK: com.mytowntonight.aviationweather.apk

Split APKs: config.ar, config.de, config.en, config.es, config.fr, config.hi, config.in, config.it, config.ja, config.ko, config.my, config.pt, config.ru, config.th, config.tr, config.vi, config.xxhdpi, config.zh

Size: 10.98 MB

What's New:

Bugfix: New implementation of widget update process to fix update issues on newer Android versions.
Bugfix: Edit mode was not enabled/disabled for all groups, if the list of groups was longer than the display.
arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Android 8.0+
Maggiori Informazioni


Meteo App

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Disponibile su:

Google Play


Android 8.0+

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