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Advanced Wifi Lock (Free)

7.1 170

v1.3.8 di Opotech

Su Advanced Wifi Lock Free

This app forces wifi to stay connected when the screen is turned off and should work on all devices (phone or tablet).
• Stops wifi disconnecting when screen is turned off
• Optional timeout so you don't accidentally leave the phone awake for too long
• Ability to automatically disable wifi if you get disconnected from your wireless Access point (e.g. out of range)
• No ads!
Full Version Includes:
• Widget to quickly enable/disable
• Customisable timeout
• Option to ignore timeout when device is charging
• Fully customisable 'Auto Disable Grace Period'
If this app works for you, please consider buying the full version.
Please Note: This app uses a wake-lock to prevent the phone from sleeping, leaving the phone in a wake-state for too long will use excessive battery power.
The Timeout starts from when the screen is turned off, and gets reset when the screen is turned back on.
Exclude this app from any automatic task killers.

Aggiornamento Advanced Wifi Lock Free 1.3.8

• Notification changes on Android 4.3+ (doesn't show icon in notification bar)
• We are now on Facebook and Twitter
• UI changes
• You can now contact us on Twitter @opotech
• Fine volume control app has been rewritten, check the market for details
• Foreground service flag is optional (to fix issue with VIZIO tablets)
• Reduced app size by 20% (removed xhdpi icons)
Leggi di Più
Caratteristiche Advanced Wifi Lock Free

Versioni Precedenti


Advanced Wifi Lock (Free) 1.3.8 APK June 18, 2015 551.57 KB Scarica

Requires Android: Android 2.1+

Screen DPI: 120-320dpi

SHA1: ce8ee0c2425f26b954ec9f10603a03e7d032add1

Size: 551.57 KB

What's New:

• Notification changes on Android 4.3+ (doesn't show icon in notification bar)
• We are now on Facebook and Twitter
• UI changes
• You can now contact us on Twitter @opotech
• Fine volume control app has been rewritten, check the market for details
• Foreground service flag is optional (to fix issue with VIZIO tablets)
• Reduced app size by 20% (removed xhdpi icons)
Maggiori Informazioni

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Aggiornamento Necessario:

Invia l'ultima versione


Android 2.1+

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