- 首頁
- 應用
- 影片播放與編輯
- 音樂 - MP3播放機
- 版本

Requires Android: Android 5.0+
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: a13f1e4f6855f5694e23bcbf1172748b7871a368
Size: 11.71 MB
What's New:
🍃Fix known issues, more stable
💖More widgets for better music enjoyment
🍉Optimize some functions, better experience
🍑Improved search program, more convenient to use
🍅Optimized page UI, better user experience
🥑Fixed known issues, more stable

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: eb8742dacc290fe42a6a7e3a138aa00c352bf195
Size: 11.7 MB
What's New:
💯Improve lyrics feature, more easy to use
🍀Bugs fixed and performance optimization
🍒Improved product performance, more user-friendly
🌺Fix vulnerabilities and improve product stability
🚀More refined interface details
✌Fixed the user feedback bugs

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: 87eb270801bce7c612314461fbf08f1041042292
Size: 11.65 MB
What's New:
🐳Improved product performance, more user-friendly
🌺Fix vulnerabilities and improve product stability
🚀More refined interface details
✌Fixed the user feedback bugs
🍇Add a progress bar when slide up the playback bar
🍀Bugs fixed and performance optimization

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: 59bb163776acebc921b5efddc25d1a77768de80e
Size: 11.65 MB
What's New:
🚀More refined interface details
✌Fixed the user feedback bugs
🍇Add a progress bar when slide up the playback bar
🍀Bugs fixed and performance optimization
🐳Improved product performance, more user-friendly
🌺Fix vulnerabilities and improve product stability

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: 19af2504ffe3d94186a518717e490b17c15332f4
Size: 10.12 MB
What's New:
🍇Add a progress bar when slide up the playback bar
🍀Bugs fixed and performance optimization
🐳Improved product performance, more user-friendly
🌺Fix vulnerabilities and improve product stability
🎈Add status bar lyrics feature, better user experience
🚀Some issues optimized, work better on your devices

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: armeabi-v7a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: c0bae5dd558e711b3db64b599f62a24b02d68d66
Size: 8.8 MB
What's New:
🍇Add a progress bar when slide up the playback bar
🍀Bugs fixed and performance optimization
🐳Improved product performance, more user-friendly
🌺Fix vulnerabilities and improve product stability
🎈Add status bar lyrics feature, better user experience
🚀Some issues optimized, work better on your devices

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: 7b13b60e780176df3918e5465c2648e4e2296af2
Size: 10.08 MB
What's New:
🐳Improved product performance, more user-friendly
🌺Fix vulnerabilities and improve product stability
🎈Add status bar lyrics feature, better user experience
🚀Some issues optimized, work better on your devices
🍊Lyrics display optimization
🍍Product interface optimization, improve usage effectiveness

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: d94a3a0da4c719a8c39ece9717bad00bc4f6a55a
Size: 7.24 MB
What's New:
🐳Improved product performance, more user-friendly
🌺Fix vulnerabilities and improve product stability
🎈Add status bar lyrics feature, better user experience
🚀Some issues optimized, work better on your devices
🍊Lyrics display optimization
🍍Product interface optimization, improve usage effectiveness

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: 8c6536cb4c38353e27ea66213babacfbe46f67bc
Size: 9.57 MB
What's New:
🍉Bug fixing, improve product stability
🍃Product interface optimization, improve usage effectiveness
🍓Increase sorting by file size to improve usage efficiency
🥝Function optimization and product interface adjustment
🐋Product system optimization for smoother operation
🌹UI interface improvement for a more exquisite appearance

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: 0de38ae0d4f6c7a1fdee02355cea638f3505264f
Size: 9.04 MB
What's New:
🐋Product system optimization for smoother operation
🕊UI interface improvement for a more exquisite appearance
🍇Improved functionality, smoother user experience
🌾Error fix, improved compatibility
🌹Optimize product interface, more refined appearance
🌽Bug fix to enhance user experience

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: 58e79e7fd78f2de39292a1eebff1c47ae845fe6b
Size: 9.04 MB
What's New:
🍇Improved functionality, smoother user experience
🌾Error fix, improved compatibility
🌹Optimize product interface, more refined appearance
🌽Bug fix to enhance user experience
🍑Performance optimization for more stable use
🐑Adjust the interface to improve the product display effect

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: armeabi-v7a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: 120bf4b3bf5bdc43f56a42018bdad98b6915c586
Size: 7.9 MB
What's New:
🍇Improved functionality, smoother user experience
🌾Error fix, improved compatibility
🌹Optimize product interface, more refined appearance
🌽Bug fix to enhance user experience
🍑Performance optimization for more stable use
🐑Adjust the interface to improve the product display effect

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: 06791db892d2cec967a4d46e23b48b4471ce3f5c
Size: 9 MB
What's New:
🌹Optimize product interface, more refined appearance
🌽Bug fix to enhance user experience
🍑Performance optimization for more stable use
🐑Adjust the interface to improve the product display effect
🌥Optimize UI interface display for a more refined appearance
🦆Improve performance and enhance playback stability

Requires Android: Android 4.4+
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Screen DPI: 160-640dpi
SHA1: 7e31f0c482242a60b36e4aa7619af7e03667e9aa
Size: 7.77 MB
What's New:
💐Player performance optimized, better user experience
🌸Optimize some issues, run more stable
🎈Improve lyrics performance, more easy to enjoy music
💐Enhance Folder efficiency, better user experience
🚀Improve player capability, run more efficient
💯Enhance some features, more easy to use
🍁Optimize some issues, run more stable
🍀Improve player performance, more efficient