[Gloo Nova] Bermuda is covered in gloo! Equip the new Gloo Gadgets to boost your battles! [Map Update] The Factory in Bermuda is now filled with gloo. Use its unique properties to your advantage! [New Character - Lila] Lila can decelerate enemies and vehicles with a rifle, and if she knocks down a slowed enemy, she receives an extra Gloo Wall. [Profile Update] The Profile Page is now customizable. Show off your favorite content and create a unique profile!
[Gloo Nova] Bermuda is covered in gloo! Equip the new Gloo Gadgets to boost your battles! [Map Update] The Factory in Bermuda is now filled with gloo. Use its unique properties to your advantage! [New Character - Lila] Lila can decelerate enemies and vehicles with a rifle, and if she knocks down a slowed enemy, she receives an extra Gloo Wall. [Profile Update] The Profile Page is now customizable. Show off your favorite content and create a unique profile!
[Gloo Nova] Bermuda is covered in gloo! Equip the new Gloo Gadgets to boost your battles! [Map Update] The Factory in Bermuda is now filled with gloo. Use its unique properties to your advantage! [New Character - Lila] Lila can decelerate enemies and vehicles with a rifle, and if she knocks down a slowed enemy, she receives an extra Gloo Wall. [Profile Update] The Profile Page is now customizable. Show off your favorite content and create a unique profile!
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