Martial Arts techniques

8.7 640

v7.0 by masodi

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About Martial Arts techniques

Martial Arts techniques (Package Name: com.teknikbeladiri.masodi) is developed by masodi and the latest version of Martial Arts techniques 7.0 was updated on May 25, 2017. Martial Arts techniques is in the category of Lifestyle. You can check all apps from the developer of Martial Arts techniques. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 2.3.2+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on are original and 100% safe with fast download.
Martial arts is an art that arose as a way of person to maintain / defend themselves. The martial arts have long existed and evolved over time. Basically, humans have the instinct to protect himself and his life. In grow or develop, human beings can not be separated from physical activity, anytime and anywhere. This is what will spur physical activities all the time. In ancient times, precisely before their modern weaponry, people do not think of other ways to keep himself apart with his bare hands. At that time, the ability to fight with their bare hands developed as a way to attack and defend, then used to improve the physical abilities / a person's body. However, in subsequent ages, weapons began to be known and used as a tool to defend themselves.
It can be said that the martial arts spread throughout the world and almost every country has a martial art that developed in each area as well as an absorption of other martial arts that developed in the region of origin. As an example of the art of silat is a martial art that developed in other ASEAN countries and are in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Brunei.

Martial Arts techniques 7.0 Update

Seni bela diri merupakan satu kesenian yang timbul sebagai satu cara seseorang mempertahankan / membela diri. Seni bela diri telah lama ada dan berkembang dari masa ke masa. Pada dasarnya, manusia mempunyai insting untuk selalu melindungi diri dan hidupnya. Dalam tumbuh atau berkembang, manusia tidak dapat lepas dari kegiatan fisiknya, kapan pun dan di manapun. Hal inilah yang akan memacu aktivitas fisiknya sepanjang waktu.
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Android 2.3.2+