Benvenuto nel miglior client RDP open source al mondo! Hai bisogno di un RDP su iOS o Mac OS X? Ora disponibile su Per favore sostieni il mio lavoro e il software open source GPL acquistando la versione per donazioni di questo programma chiamata aRDP Pro! Note sulla versione: Versioni precedenti: Segnala bug: Se hai domande, chiedile sul forum anziché in una recensione, a beneficio di tutti:!forum/bvnc-ardp-aspice-opaque-remote-desktop-clients Dai un'occhiata anche a bVNC, il mio visualizzatore VNC Vedi di seguito per le istruzioni di configurazione sull'attivazione di RDP su Windows. Problemi noti attuali: - Potrebbe non funzionare per account senza password, fammi sapere se funziona. - Potrebbe non funzionare per gli utenti con lettere cirilliche nel nome utente, per favore fatemi sapere se funziona. aRDP è un client Remote Desktop Protocol sicuro, compatibile con SSH e open source che utilizza l'eccellente libreria FreeRDP e parti di aFreeRDP. Le sue caratteristiche includono: - Controllo desktop remoto di computer che eseguono qualsiasi versione di Windows tranne Windows 10 Home. Installa un server VNC per Windows 10 Home e utilizza bVNC - Supporto file RDP nella versione Pro - Supporto completo per Ubuntu 22.04+ - Controllo desktop remoto di computer Linux con xrdp installato. - Password principale in aRDP Pro - Autenticazione SSH MFA/2FA in aRDP Pro - Reindirizzamento del suono in aRDP Pro -Supporto del gateway RDP - Reindirizzamento della scheda SD - Modalità console - Controllo accurato sullo stile della sessione desktop remota - Controllo multi-touch tramite il mouse remoto. Tocca con un dito il clic con il pulsante sinistro, tocca con due dita il clic con il pulsante destro e tocca con tre dita il clic con il pulsante centrale - Trascinamento a destra e al centro se non si solleva il primo dito che ha toccato - Scorrimento trascinando con due dita - Zoom con pizzico - Opzioni Forza orizzontale, Modalità immersiva, Mantieni schermo attivo nel menu principale - Modifiche dinamiche della risoluzione, che ti consentono di riconfigurare il tuo desktop mentre sei connesso e di controllare le macchine virtuali dal BIOS al sistema operativo - Supporto rotazione completa. Utilizza la rotazione del blocco centrale sul tuo dispositivo per disabilitare la rotazione - Supporto multilingue - Supporto completo del mouse su Android 4.0+ - Visibilità completa del desktop anche con la tastiera estesa - Tunneling SSH per maggiore sicurezza o per raggiungere macchine dietro un firewall. - Ottimizzazioni dell'interfaccia utente per diverse dimensioni dello schermo (per tablet e smartphone) - Supporto multi-finestra Samsung - Supporto SSH pubblico/privato (pubkey). - Importazione di chiavi RSA crittografate/non crittografate in formato PEM, chiavi DSA non crittografate in formato PKCS#8 - Salvataggio automatico della sessione di connessione - Modalità di ridimensionamento zoomabile, adatta allo schermo e uno a uno - Due modalità di input diretta, una simulata e una con una sola mano - Tocca a lungo per scegliere tra clic, modalità di trascinamento, scorrimento e zoom nella modalità di input con una sola mano - Tasti Ctrl/Alt/Tab/Super e freccia riponibili sullo schermo - Invio della chiave ESC utilizzando il pulsante "Indietro" del tuo dispositivo - Possibilità di ruotare e utilizzare il D-pad per le frecce - Lo zoom minimo si adatta allo schermo e si blocca a 1:1 durante lo zoom - Supporto FlexT9 e tastiera hardware - Guida disponibile sul dispositivo per la creazione di una nuova connessione nel Menu durante l'impostazione delle connessioni - Guida disponibile sul dispositivo sulle modalità di input disponibili nel menu quando connesso - Testato con la tastiera Hackers. Si consiglia di utilizzarlo (ottieni la tastiera degli hacker da Google Play). - Esportazione/importazione delle impostazioni - Cattura Samsung DEX, Alt-Tab, pulsante Start - Cattura Ctrl+Spazio - Integrazione degli appunti per copiare/incollare dal tuo dispositivo - Supporto audio Abilitare Desktop remoto su Windows: Abilitazione di RDP su Linux: - Installa il pacchetto xrdp Codice:
Aggiornamento aRDP Free v5.7.8
v5.7.8 - Decreased latency of mouse events - Improved responsiveness when using Send Text dialog - Bugfix for toolbar location when launching via widget or URI - New icons v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream lib
v5.7.8 - Decreased latency of mouse events - Improved responsiveness when using Send Text dialog - Bugfix for toolbar location when launching via widget or URI - New icons v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream lib
v5.7.8 - Decreased latency of mouse events - Improved responsiveness when using Send Text dialog - Bugfix for toolbar location when launching via widget or URI - New icons v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream lib
v5.7.8 - Decreased latency of mouse events - Improved responsiveness when using Send Text dialog - Bugfix for toolbar location when launching via widget or URI - New icons v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream lib
v5.7.8 - Decreased latency of mouse events - Improved responsiveness when using Send Text dialog - Bugfix for toolbar location when launching via widget or URI - New icons v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream lib
v5.7.8 - Decreased latency of mouse events - Improved responsiveness when using Send Text dialog - Bugfix for toolbar location when launching via widget or URI - New icons v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream lib
v5.7.8 - Decreased latency of mouse events - Improved responsiveness when using Send Text dialog - Bugfix for toolbar location when launching via widget or URI - New icons v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream lib
v5.7.8 - Decreased latency of mouse events - Improved responsiveness when using Send Text dialog - Bugfix for toolbar location when launching via widget or URI - New icons v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream lib
v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.9 v5.6.1 - Custom Desktop Scaling support v5.6.0 - ECDSA SSH Key support v5.5.9 - Touch Mouse Scroll Speed Setting v5.5.8 - Bugfix for master pas
v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.9 v5.6.1 - Custom Desktop Scaling support v5.6.0 - ECDSA SSH Key support v5.5.9 - Touch Mouse Scroll Speed Setting v5.5.8 - Bugfix for master pas
v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.9 v5.6.1 - Custom Desktop Scaling support v5.6.0 - ECDSA SSH Key support v5.5.9 - Touch Mouse Scroll Speed Setting v5.5.8 - Bugfix for master pas
v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.9 v5.6.1 - Custom Desktop Scaling support v5.6.0 - ECDSA SSH Key support v5.5.9 - Touch Mouse Scroll Speed Setting v5.5.8 - Bugfix for master pas
v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.9 v5.6.1 - Custom Desktop Scaling support v5.6.0 - ECDSA SSH Key support v5.5.9 - Touch Mouse Scroll Speed Setting v5.5.8 - Bugfix for master pas
v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.9 v5.6.1 - Custom Desktop Scaling support v5.6.0 - ECDSA SSH Key support v5.5.9 - Touch Mouse Scroll Speed Setting v5.5.8 - Bugfix for master pas
v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.9 v5.6.1 - Custom Desktop Scaling support v5.6.0 - ECDSA SSH Key support v5.5.9 - Touch Mouse Scroll Speed Setting v5.5.8 - Bugfix for master pas
v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.9 v5.6.1 - Custom Desktop Scaling support v5.6.0 - ECDSA SSH Key support v5.5.9 - Touch Mouse Scroll Speed Setting v5.5.8 - Bugfix for master pas
v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.9 v5.6.1 - Custom Desktop Scaling support v5.6.0 - ECDSA SSH Key support v5.5.9 - Touch Mouse Scroll Speed Setting v5.5.8 - Bugfix for master pas
v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.9 v5.6.1 - Custom Desktop Scaling support v5.6.0 - ECDSA SSH Key support v5.5.9 - Touch Mouse Scroll Speed Setting v5.5.8 - Bugfix for master pas
v5.7.2 - Ability to set default scaling mode v5.6.8 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.10 v5.6.6 - Bugfix for mouse clicks on on-screen keys and toolbar being passed to remote v5.6.5 - Fix for declared supported RDP file mime types v5.6.4 - Upgrade of FreeRDP library to 2.11.7 v5.6.3 - Upgrade of upstream libraries from gstreamer 1.24.9 v5.6.1 - Custom Desktop Scaling support v5.6.0 - ECDSA SSH Key support v5.5.9 - Touch Mouse Scroll Speed Setting v5.5.8 - Bugfix for master pas e il link per il download di questa app sono sicuri al 100%. Tutti i link per il download delle app elencate su provengono da Google Play Store o sono inviati dagli utenti. Per le app da Google Play Store, non le modificherà in alcun modo. Per le app inviate dagli utenti, verificherà la sicurezza della firma APK prima di rilasciarle sul nostro sito web.