Display Brightness for Wear

6.7 21

v1.3 by Daniel Velazco

Display Brightness for Wear APK download Display Brightness for Wear APK download

About Display Brightness for Wear

Display Brightness for Wear (Package Name: com.danvelazco.wear.displaybrightness) is developed by Daniel Velazco and the latest version of Display Brightness for Wear 1.3 was updated on June 8, 2015. Display Brightness for Wear is in the category of Lifestyle. You can check all apps from the developer of Display Brightness for Wear. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 4.3+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.
Notice: if the brightness does not change on your watch, restart the watch. Also, make sure to check the brightness by using the system settings and not a 3rd party app (like Wear Mini Launcher's settings), some 3rd party apps don't properly read the current brightness and update themselves when it changes.
Uses the coarse location to calculate sunrise and sunset times, as well as the Google Play Services activity detection API to automatically set the display brightness on your Android Wear.
This is only necessary for watches that DON'T have an ambient light sensor. This is not needed for the Moto 360, but can be used with it if the watch brightness setting is on manual mode. If the watch is on auto, this app will not change the value (useful if you have multiple Android Wear devices.)
If it's night time, the brightness will always be set to the lowest.
If it's day time, it will determine the brightness, between medium and high, based on the current user activity. Feel free to change the brightness levels depending on your activities.
By using the activity detection, we are making assumptions to determine whether the user is indoors, or outdoors, and then setting the display brightness on the watch based on that.
For battery saving purposes, there may be a delay between each detection.

Display Brightness for Wear 1.3 Update

- Bug fixes
- Add ability to customize brightness levels during the night as well instead of forcing it to the lowest level.
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Display Brightness for Wear
Display Brightness for Wear 1.3 APK
September 1, 2015 3.31 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.3+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 988bf9dd40422dfa601c4e6cd602d8be53cf8dd6

Size: 3.31 MB

What's New:

- Bug fixes
- Add ability to customize brightness levels during the night as well instead of forcing it to the lowest level.
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Android 4.3+