New: - Redesign of the log workouts screen Fixed: - Crash when closing the keyboard - UI issue with the options menu icon on comments - Security fixes - Prevent Whiteboard from scrolling back to the top after viewing another page - Logging the wrong date for one-off tracks
New: - Redesign of the log workouts screen Fixed: - Crash when closing the keyboard - UI issue with the options menu icon on comments - Security fixes - Prevent Whiteboard from scrolling back to the top after viewing another page - Logging the wrong date for one-off tracks
New: - Redesign of the log workouts screen Fixed: - Crash when closing the keyboard - UI issue with the options menu icon on comments - Security fixes - Prevent Whiteboard from scrolling back to the top after viewing another page - Logging the wrong date for one-off tracks
New: - Redesign of the log workouts screen Fixed: - Crash when closing the keyboard - UI issue with the options menu icon on comments - Security fixes - Prevent Whiteboard from scrolling back to the top after viewing another page - Logging the wrong date for one-off tracks
New: - New! Gym Groups: discuss everything related to your gym with your fellow gym-goers! - Start threads when commenting on posts in your gym’s group! - UI updates throughout the app - Improved GIF comment experience - Fistbump count shown on whiteboard comments - Option to hide a post after reporting it - Ability to block users Fixed: - Fixes to OTP emails when signing up - Hide keyboard when opening gym drawer - Fixed unresponsive date picker after logging workouts - Improved crash recovery
New: - New! Gym Groups: discuss everything related to your gym with your fellow gym-goers! - Start threads when commenting on posts in your gym’s group! - UI updates throughout the app - Improved GIF comment experience - Fistbump count shown on whiteboard comments - Option to hide a post after reporting it - Ability to block users Fixed: - Fixes to OTP emails when signing up - Hide keyboard when opening gym drawer - Fixed unresponsive date picker after logging workouts - Improved crash recovery
Fixed: - Fixed a crash on the percentage calculator when erasing the number - Fixed a crash when logging a workout result - Fixed a crash when navigating back to the Whiteboard
Fixed: - Fixed a crash on the percentage calculator when erasing the number - Fixed a crash when logging a workout result - Fixed a crash when navigating back to the Whiteboard
Fixed: - Fixed a crash on the percentage calculator when erasing the number - Fixed a crash when logging a workout result - Fixed a crash when navigating back to the Whiteboard
Fixed: - Fixed a crash on the percentage calculator when erasing the number - Fixed a crash when logging a workout result - Fixed a crash when navigating back to the Whiteboard
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