瑜伽普拉提在家一套有效的鍛煉方法,可對身體的所有肌肉群進行工作,使您能夠鍛煉肌肉的柔韌性,日常訓練,關節的柔韌性,正確的姿勢並提供背部和脊椎健康。此外,家庭健身助手 在中進行可加快身體的新陳代謝,並開始減少脂肪 保持身材。 Pilates and yoga workout 該應用程序包含60個最有效,最久經時間考驗的瑜伽普拉提健身運動操,每個練習均附有詳細的視頻說明和詳細的文字說明。根據自由體操的實施難度,將其分為幾組。建議所有年齡段的人免費進行5分鐘的瑜伽鍛煉。 有6種不同的程序-每天進行的初學者普拉提鍛煉,5分鐘瑜伽,健身初學者,高級程序,以增強效果並獲得最令人印象深刻的效果。 應用特點: ✓60次最有效的日常女性練習 - 30 day pilates challenge; ✓每個練習都有詳細的音頻,視頻和文本說明以及實施建議–現在,您可以隨時在家輕鬆地做芭蕾和瑜伽普拉提; ✓家庭健身助手: 虛擬教練將向您展示如何進行每項鍛煉並激勵您; ✓您可以免費創建自己的槓鈴鍛煉和程序,並設置每次鍛煉的持續時間,表現和休息時間; ✓有效的統計系統將使您可以在俱樂部進行普拉提鍛煉程序期間觀看並記錄您的成就和進步的結果 (just do pilates exercises for beginners and the results will come! )。 👍嘗試做第一個小型鍛煉系列,隨時挑戰。您肯定會看到結果–離線鍛煉初學者的普拉提是,健身的婦女運動例程會給您帶來很大的效果。順便說一句,借助此應用程序,您可以養成進行常規運動的穩定習慣,因為每天進行減肥的自由操最多不超過5分鐘鍛煉 保持身材 家庭健身。 5 min yoga pilates workout 大多數傳統的小型鍛煉系列會引起肌肉失衡:強壯的肌肉變得更強壯,而虛弱的肌肉變得更弱。這是受傷和慢性背痛的主要原因。在自由體操日常訓練中,在家進行槓鈴鍛煉後,您的肌肉將平均而均衡地工作,從而提供更高的訓練效果並減少受傷的可能性。這就是為什麼如此多的職業運動員在訓練課中使用俱樂部瑜伽普拉提在家免費鍛煉的原因。 現在,您的肌肉將永遠無法工作,直到筋疲力盡,您不會出汗並且感到非常疲勞。課程包括精確和特殊的深呼吸系統。家庭健身助手: 如果您不喜歡基於集中力的程序,那麼這似乎很無聊。但是,如果您想增強腹腔和骨盆的肌肉,並保持良好的姿勢並擺脫背部疼痛,那麼絕對適合您 保持身材。 Pilates exercises for beginners 多虧了一組初學者練習女性,您可以收緊腹部肌肉,放低肩膀,拉長脖子,抬高胸部並拉直姿勢。在課程結束時,您的脊椎將被拉長,您的胃被收起,並且您的身體自由而輕便。在家裡伸展初學者普拉提瑜伽姿勢會讓您比一個小時前更高,更自信。 🏅30天普拉提挑戰 婦女健身:建立夢想的身體!
Pilates 3.0.1 更新
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
We've updated the descriptions of the Pilates exercises and made them more detailed; We updated the interface and made it smoother and more beautiful; We fixed bugs.
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