ZeeKwat (Package Name: com.zeekwatmm.android) is developed by ZeeKwat Portal and the latest version of ZeeKwat 2.7.3120 was updated on October 4, 2019. ZeeKwat is in the category of News & Magazines with the feature Reading Offline. You can check all apps from the developer of ZeeKwat and find 59 alternative apps to ZeeKwat on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 4.4+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.
ZeeKwat Mobile Application Introduction Myanmar People can read latest NEWS, Memorable Photos categorized with Day by Day in Calendar. Zeekwat application can make your everyday happy, successful, cheerful life. 1. Weather Forecast 7 day weather forecast for Myanmar will be offered. 2. Live Fully provide up-to-date market informations of gold price, fuel price, stock exchange & currency exchange rates. 3. Goal Live Scores Goal Live Score gives you trusty, live, real-time football results and Match cast track of Premier League, La-Liga, Champion Leagues and more 4. Game World Users can earn points from playing a new style and super fun games of ZeeKwat and use your points to get discount on the stuff you want in some exclusive shops. 5. Coupon Get the coupons to buy discounted items with cheap price. 6. Advertisement A new better way to promote your business process in advertising with ZeeKwat App and users can get ZeeKwat points by watching these advertisements. 7. Photo Calendar Automatically upload and save the daily taken selfies and photos on the calendar according to date so users can browse their photos displaying for each day of the month by using calendar views. 8. Facebook Easy to use your facebook account with ZeeKwat App. 9. Map Get easy directions for your drive or walk to find your destinations by using google map on ZeeKwat App. 10. Emergency Important emergency contact informations of Police, Fire, Ambulance, Airport, Railway Station, Electricity Board, etc are easily accessible with a tap to call in ZeeKwat App without adding into phone contacts. 11. ZeeKwat Point With ZeeKwat points, you can buy discounted items in exclusive shops and can also use in ZeeKwat games when you have no more credit point. 12. Lottery ZeeKwat App enables to keep up the latest lottery results online and you will not need to buy the lottery results paper. 13. My Page ZeeKwat App users’ profile and photo sliders, also can see Facebook’s friends who is using ZeeKwat Application 14. News ZeeKwat App offers the latest news, both national and international issues on time. 15. Sport World sports news, results, events and daily activities of athletes can be easy to get around the App. 16. Estate Most recent Myanmar Real-estate market news will be presented. 17. Cars ZeeKwat app helps you find new and used cars, get information of various car models and compare pricing. 18. Technology If you want to stay up to date with latest Information Technology news, ZeeKwat App can help you. 19. Celebrity Celebrity session provides you with everything you need to know about local & foreign celebrity news and activities.
APKFab.com and the download link of this app are 100% safe. All download links of apps listed on APKFab.com are from Google Play Store or submitted by users. For the app from Google Play Store, APKFab.com won't modify it in any way. For the app submitted by users, APKFab.com will verify its APK signature safety before release it on our website.