Which? magazine

1.0 29

v16.2 by Which? Limited

Which? magazine APK download Which? magazine APK download

About Magazine

Magazine (Package Name: com.whichapp) is developed by Which? Limited and the latest version of Which? magazine 16.2 was updated on October 6, 2020. Which? magazine is in the category of News & Magazines. You can check all apps from the developer of Which? magazine and find 161 alternative apps to Which? magazine on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 6.0+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.
The smart stuff you didn’t know you needed to know.
Which? magazine is your insider guide to consumer life, trusted by more than 500,000 subscribers. From inspirational ideas to expert user advice, Which? helps you stay in the know and make smarter choices.
Which? subscribers can read our award-winning investigations, special reports, features and lab test results – plus our back issues – in this enhanced digital edition for Android tablets and phones.
- Monthly magazine plus the latest consumer news
- Search our full digital magazine archive
- Available for your phone and tablet
- Mobile-friendly text view
Updated monthly with each issue of the magazine, and in real time with our consumer news feed. Which? brings you all the latest consumer news, investigations and test results from both current and past editions - and our search tool helps you find what you’re looking for quickly.
We don't accept any form of advertising, freebies or sponsorship. Which? is not for profit, impartial and completely funded by subscriptions. We plough every extra penny back into making you more informed, more powerful and more fact-savvy, so that you can buy smart.
We test more than 3,500 products every year, from coffee machines to cars and everything in between - but we don't stop there. We also put service providers under the microscope, assessing their quality of service, terms and conditions, and customer satisfaction.

Magazine 16.2 Update

Updated for Android 11
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Magazine Features
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Which? magazine
Which? magazine 16.2 APK
October 18, 2020 50.41 MB

Requires Android: Android 6.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: bdcc012fc49e44a0e41aa9bfb8e5392b91815f74

Size: 50.41 MB

What's New:

Updated for Android 11
Which? magazine
Which? magazine 16.1 APK
July 6, 2020 48.78 MB

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 49f3a61101d67c3ac192198d361df0664647356b

Size: 48.78 MB

What's New:

Performance improvements and minor bug fixes
Which? magazine
Which? magazine 16.0.0 APK
October 7, 2019 62.5 MB

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: fd116752ee8cbb4cf5a7e64ffca4b9f0b34adf71

Size: 62.5 MB

What's New:

All new storefront and reading experience. Which? news now available in app, so that you can stay smart everyday!
Which? magazine
Which? magazine 3.4.990 APK
October 8, 2018 5.66 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.4+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: c5a0028f44abcce50b653fa8abf0b8655d016273

Size: 5.66 MB

What's New:

We've updated our log-in mechanism.
Note: You will need to log-in when you update to this version
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Android 6.0+