Varamozhi Transliteration

7.9 427

v1.6 by Jeesmon Jacob

Varamozhi Transliteration APK download Varamozhi Transliteration APK download

About Varamozhi Transliteration

Varamozhi Transliteration (Package Name: com.jeesmon.apps.varamozhi) is developed by Jeesmon Jacob and the latest version of Varamozhi Transliteration 1.6 was updated on January 31, 2012. Varamozhi Transliteration is in the category of Tools. You can check all apps from the developer of Varamozhi Transliteration and find 20 alternative apps to Varamozhi Transliteration on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 2.1+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on are original and 100% safe with fast download.
Varamozhi Malayalam Transliteration
An offline Malayalam Transliteration App using Mozhi scheme. You can also copy/paste Malayalam unicode text to the input control to convert square characters to Malayalam if your device doesn't have Malayalam font.
New in v1.6+
You can now use this app as a direct input method (keyboard)
Step 1. Enable keyboard from Home -> Settings -> Language & keyboard -> Varamozhi Transliteration
Step 2. Long press on any input box, touch Input method and select Varamozhi Transliteration
Step 3. As you type, you can see transliterated Malayalam text on top of the keyboard.
Step 4. Touch Malayalam text to replace Manglish text in the input box (You might see only squares if you don't have Malayalam font or text without complex layout, but target device will show text correctly if it supports complex layout and font)
Step 5. Touch again to replace Malayalam with Manglish in the input box
Mozhi - Overview:
Note: When you copy or share Malayalam text to other apps, it might look as square characters if you don't have unicode font in your device. But it will show correctly if the target device/app has the unicode font. You can test it by sending a sample text from the app to your email and view email on desktop.
All credit goes to Varamozhi Team for making such a great tool.
Please visit for more details.

Varamozhi Transliteration 1.6 Update

Varamozhi Transliteration as a keyboard (Experimental). Enable it from Home -> Settings -> Language & keyboard -> Varamozhi Transliteration. Long press on any input box to select Varamozhi. As you type Manglish you can see Malayalam text on top of the keyboard. Touch Malayalam text to replace Manglish with Malayalam. Touch again to replace Malayalam with Manglish.
Few font fixes
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Varamozhi Transliteration
Varamozhi Transliteration 1.6 APK
June 30, 2015 1.04 MB

Requires Android: Android 2.1+

Architecture: armeabi

Screen DPI: 160-240dpi

SHA1: 2b8b42858be5ffb928b07c21c15f0e49f283731d

Size: 1.04 MB

What's New:

Varamozhi Transliteration as a keyboard (Experimental). Enable it from Home -> Settings -> Language & keyboard -> Varamozhi Transliteration. Long press on any input box to select Varamozhi. As you type Manglish you can see Malayalam text on top of the keyboard. Touch Malayalam text to replace Manglish with Malayalam. Touch again to replace Malayalam with Manglish.
Few font fixes
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Android 2.1+