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First Impression on Pocket Love
Updated: March 17, 2022

First Impression on Pocket Love


Cute Offline House Game: Unpack, decorate, & design a home that pets will love!

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Pocket Love is a classic simulation game to build and decorate your own home with your partner and pets. The lovely game is released by HyperBeard.


As we introduced before, the adorable game offers you partner and pets you can choose when you begin to play, creating a harmonious pink atmosphere all the time. With a wide-angle perspective, you can see a whole family - four rooms and every item you own.

Pocket Love Review

How to Play?

Don't worry. The last thing you need to think about is how to play.
Pocket Love is very considerate that it will lead you to make clear of the gaming setting. Anyway, let me give you a brief introduction.
From the outset, players need to create three unique characters with a depth-customization, and then buy and build your first room!
Some pig currency and dogllars will be given. You can buy furniture and clothes via pig currency. Dogllars are used to build new rooms. Plus, dogllars are very useful but rare. To get more dogllars!
The main purpose is to buy furniture to decorate and complete tasks to get free currency or dogllars.

Pocket Love Review

In-app Purchase and Ads

Sometimes, most casual games do not belong to pay-to-win mode, but Pocket Love may lean into it. Actually, you do not have to top-up because you can wait until the time it out, if you are willing to.
Besides, watching ads is another way for players to get more free items. Ads are not obvious, so players will not be disturbed by them. Thus, my advice is you can enjoy the game while doing other things. Ads time will not be boring. 

Pocket Love Review

Decoration and Furniture

There are five prepared stylistic samples to decorate rooms in Pocket Love, and they are Carnival Mixed, Carnival Garden, Syd Mardi Gras, Hinamatsuri, Pink Cute Room! Come to have a look!

Pocket Love Review

Besides, Pocket Love provides tons of furniture including TV, sofa, fireplace and much more. Some particular things like carpets, wallpaper, floor tiles and soap dispenser. These items are really like your own home.

Pocket Love Review

Some Important Tips

-The background music is so enjoyable and pleasing. You will indulge in the game!
-Pocket Love is also suitable for kids. Each package needs a long time to unlock, as well as each level. Kids at most can play for several hours, thus parents do not need to worry about them.

Pocket Love Review

-Trash on land, such as cans, can be turned into pig currency if you pick them up!
-If you want to buy more rooms, the dogllar is necessary. However, dogllars are difficult to get without a top-up. If you're not hurrying, so just waiting!
-Cash-Car will come from time to time! Click it to get free currency.
-More superb and good design furniture will appear!
-Every day the game provides free 5 dogllars and 500 pig currency.

Pocket Love Review


Pocket Love is a relaxing and casual game to help you decorate and arrange your new home with your partner and a pet. Owing to its time-control gaming setting, players may can keep interest in constantly upgrading their home instead of uninstalling the game when they are quick to complete quests.

Finally, we also want to recommend a similar game that belongs to the same developer —— Adorable Home. You can find many differences between these two casual games, so try them!


  • An adorable and pleasing game to relax
  • Suitable for kids


  • A trendy to pay-to-win

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