Rádio Sara Varginha

1.0 18

v2.0.5 by Radios.com.br

Rádio Sara Varginha APK download Rádio Sara Varginha APK download

About Rádio Sara Varginha

Rádio Sara Varginha (Package Name: br.com.radios.radiosmobile.saravarginha) is developed by Radios.com.br and the latest version of Rádio Sara Varginha 2.0.5 was updated on March 15, 2017. Rádio Sara Varginha is in the category of Music & Audio. You can check all apps from the developer of Rádio Sara Varginha and find 19 alternative apps to Rádio Sara Varginha on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 2.3.2+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.
The Radio Sara Varginha is a Webradio Church Heal Our Land Varginha / MG.
Its programming consists of music and Gospel Light Christian, worship and live broadcasts.
Check out some highlight features of the App:
* High quality audio
* Learn the name and author of the song playing
* Continue listening to the radio even if you close the App to do other activities
* Share with your friends what you're listening to Radio Plays Everything using your favorite social networks (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.)
* Layout optimized for Tablets.
* Sleep Function: program when the radio turns off automatically
* Reconnect Function: The Internet signal dropped? Or is weak and unstable? The app will automatically try to reconnect to the streaming radio
Thank you for listening to our radio! God bless you
Sara Varginha Radio, the Radio Worship

Rádio Sara Varginha 2.0.5 Update

* Correção de bugs
* Redução do tamanho do aplicativo
* Remoção da permissão especial READ_CONTACTS (Ler contatos)
* Remoção das propagandas
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Rádio Sara Varginha Features
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Rádio Sara Varginha
Rádio Sara Varginha 2.0.5 APK
March 17, 2017 1.73 MB

Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+

Architecture: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, mips, x86

Screen DPI: 120-480dpi

SHA1: dcd310aa996e0631c18dd668bf404b2a053a8446

Size: 1.73 MB

What's New:

* Correção de bugs
* Redução do tamanho do aplicativo
* Remoção da permissão especial READ_CONTACTS (Ler contatos)
* Remoção das propagandas
Rádio Sara Varginha
Rádio Sara Varginha 2.0 APK
October 7, 2015 2.53 MB

Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+

Architecture: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, mips, x86

Screen DPI: 120-480dpi

SHA1: d7f22771f3cdf6098dcd8b7edf1de2834c6a335e

Size: 2.53 MB

What's New:

O App foi totalmente redesenhado! Confira as principais melhorias:
* Compatibilidade com a versão 4.4 (KitKat)
* Novo pacote de codecs, melhorando a conexão com o streaming (melhor velocidade, estabilidade)
* Layout otimizado para Tablets.
* A rádio continuará a tocar mesmo se fechar o App
* Se houver queda na Internet, o streaming automaticamente voltará a tocar quando a Interrnet voltar.
* Inclusão da função Sleep (temporizador)
* Inclusão de Compartilhamento em Redes Sociais
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Android 2.3.2+