Dungeons & Decisions (Package Name: com.delightgames.medievalfantasy) is developed by Delight Games and the latest version of Dungeons and Decisions RPG 20.2 was updated on December 29, 2024. Dungeons and Decisions RPG is in the category of Role Playing. You can check all apps from the developer of Dungeons and Decisions RPG and find 200 alternative apps to Dungeons and Decisions RPG on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 5.0+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.
🎲Classic Roleplaying Simplified🎲 This is a series of fantasy novels where you get to make the choices for the main character. It is like a solo Dungeons & Dragons campaign, but far simplified. If you enjoy DnD tabletop games or fantasy novels like LOTR, then this is a perfect combination for you! Immerse yourself in a text-based choice RPG where your decisions define your character's destiny! Become a wizard, succubus, ranger, or rogue in this offline-playable, vast series. ✨Simple, Yet Deeply Engaging Role-Playing Dive into an old-school RPG that's easy to learn yet challenging to master. With every choice you make, the consequences unfold, often in unpredictable ways. Imagination drives your unique adventure, making it richer than any other mobile RPG you've played before. 📚Embark on a Massive, Well-Crafted Dnd Inspired Text RPG! Discover an intricately woven story with over 1.5 MILLION words, crafted through 10 years of development. Journey from a glory-seeking adventurer to exploring parallel universes, conspiracies, and multiple characters with diverse personalities and goals. 💰Completely FREE – No Pay-to-Choose Skillful play rewards you with the currency needed to progress without spending a dime. Earn achievements, high ranks, and watch rewarded videos as they become available. Rest assured, no choices are locked behind a paywall, and there are no spoilers to indicate a "better choice." It's entirely up to you! 🎭True Role-Playing To thrive, you must empathize with your character, making choices that benefit them even if they conflict with your personal instincts. This pure form of role-playing is an immersive adventure unlike any other. 🔋Light on Battery & Storage, Offline Play Available Despite its vastness and hours of enjoyment, this RPG boasts a tiny download size and is gentle on your battery. Plus, you can even play offline!
Dungeons & Decisions 20.2 Update
Added new art to Wizard's Choice 1. Fixed several bugs.
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