Voice Audiobook Player

7.9 605

v8.2.4 di Paul Woitaschek

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Recensione dell'Editore

"You just add your main audiobook folder and every folder in there will be recognised as a single book. That keeps your library simple and tidy. Here we go.".

Su Voice

Stai cercando un lettore di audiolibri semplice e minimale che funzioni e basta?
Uno che ti consente di concentrarti su ciò che vuoi effettivamente fare: ascoltare audiolibri?
Aggiungi semplicemente la cartella principale dell'audiolibro e ogni cartella in essa contenuta viene riconosciuta come un unico libro. Ciò mantiene la tua libreria semplice e ordinata.
Cosa può fare:
- Ricorda l'ultima posizione
- Imposta la velocità di riproduzione
- Bellissimo design del materiale
- Tema giorno e notte. Facile per gli occhi
- Segnalibri
- Android automatico
- Sveglia. Non c'è bisogno di spegnere il giocatore nel cuore della notte.
La voce è gratuita e open source. Ciò significa che tutti possono vedere cosa fa. Utilizza autorizzazioni minime.
Se hai suggerimenti o trovi bug, segnalali qui:
La licenza open source è Gnu GPLv3
Leggi di Più
Caratteristiche Voice
Versioni Precedenti Altro
Voice Audiobook Player
Voice Audiobook Player 8.2.4 APK
March 4, 2025 78.42 MB

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: fe036a955c07d0d11f722afff29669ba6b7c707c

Size: 78.42 MB

Voice Audiobook Player
Voice Audiobook Player 8.2.3 APK
March 23, 2024 78.94 MB

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 8e2c69c02084b491975eb159da43de236d6f044c

Size: 78.94 MB

What's New:

In the language of updates, and code being refined,
Comes an update note, in verse to be signed.
First, for the chapter mark parsing so keen,
Fixed another edge case, now smoothly seen.
Added a feature, exciting and new,
Search for the covers, in color or hue.
Lastly, to Samsung users, a word of amend,
Fixed audiobooks not being read, we promise to mend.
So update your app, dear users, don't delay,
For the Voice Android Audiobook Player, gets better each day.
Voice Audiobook Player
Voice Audiobook Player 8.2.3 XAPK APKs
December 9, 2024 22.06 MB

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: ecfee82b23f3fe4180e34ccc491b2b29968f098f

Size: 22.06 MB

What's New:

In the language of updates, and code being refined,
Comes an update note, in verse to be signed.
First, for the chapter mark parsing so keen,
Fixed another edge case, now smoothly seen.
Added a feature, exciting and new,
Search for the covers, in color or hue.
Lastly, to Samsung users, a word of amend,
Fixed audiobooks not being read, we promise to mend.
So update your app, dear users, don't delay,
For the Voice Android Audiobook Player, gets better each day.
Voice Audiobook Player
Voice Audiobook Player 8.2.0 APK
February 12, 2024 79.44 MB

Requires Android: Android 8.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: b5446f83efe0df6a7c610a1afe896c308999bbcf

Size: 79.44 MB

What's New:

In the language of updates, and code being refined,
Comes an update note, in verse to be signed.
First, for the chapter mark parsing so keen,
Fixed another edge case, now smoothly seen.
Added a feature, exciting and new,
Search for the covers, in color or hue.
Lastly, to Samsung users, a word of amend,
Fixed audiobooks not being read, we promise to mend.
So update your app, dear users, don't delay,
For the Voice Android Audiobook Player, gets better each day.
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Android 8.0+