"Ti ho detto di darmi metà del mondo ..." Il coraggioso viaggia di nuovo al castello di Satana ...! ************************************************** ** ■ Storia ■ Uomo coraggioso VS demone re Si terrà una feroce battaglia! Doveva essere ... Prima della travolgente forza coraggiosa, Il demone non ha rapito né le mani né i piedi ... Nel frattempo, c'è una transazione che non ti aspetti dal re dei demoni ... Mezzo anni da quando ho avuto a che fare con il diavolo ... Un demone che non diminuisce! Aumentare il danno! E il coraggioso ha di nuovo salvato il re demone ...! ************************************************** ** ■ Come si gioca al gioco ■ ~ Collaboriamo con vari colleghi! ~ - Non sono solo gli eroi a combattere! Ottieni sempre più amici! ! ~ Sconfiggi i mostri e mira alle gang! ~ - Il trono con un re demone è l'ultimo piano! Per incontrarti non hai altra scelta che salire! ! ~ Evoca bestie di vari effetti! ~ - Usa le bestie evocate con effetti convenienti, rendi il combattimento più vantaggioso! ! Ogni volta che mi incarnano, diventa più forte! ~ - Quando i nemici diventano più forti, sono reincarnanti e forti e sono nuovi giochi! !
Aggiornamento Half World 1.0.296
:: Time limited event :: Defeat the monsters that devour sprouts and earn various rewards! - Event period: 2025-2-14/2025-3-3 (Exchange ends 2025-3-6). :: New Enhance Crystal :: Enhancement crystals have been added for the Bride/Aladdin/Temple Knight.
:: Time limited event :: Defeat the monsters that devour sprouts and earn various rewards! - Event period: 2025-2-14/2025-3-3 (Exchange ends 2025-3-6). :: New Enhance Crystal :: Enhancement crystals have been added for the Bride/Aladdin/Temple Knight.
:: Time limited event :: Defeat the monsters that devour sprouts and earn various rewards! - Event period: 2025-2-14/2025-3-3 (Exchange ends 2025-3-6). :: New Enhance Crystal :: Enhancement crystals have been added for the Bride/Aladdin/Temple Knight.
:: Time limited event :: Defeat the monsters that devour sprouts and earn various rewards! - Event period: 2025-2-14/2025-3-3 (Exchange ends 2025-3-6). :: New fellow :: A new companion (Snowman) has been added! :: Other :: The restore button's name and description have been updated due to the addition of new restore options. Fixed an issue where the Demon's Contract effect was applied in unintended locations. Fixed certain issues related to data transfer.
:: Time limited event :: Defeat the monsters that devour sprouts and earn various rewards! - Event period: 2025-2-14/2025-3-3 (Exchange ends 2025-3-6). :: New fellow :: A new companion (Snowman) has been added! :: Other :: The restore button's name and description have been updated due to the addition of new restore options. Fixed an issue where the Demon's Contract effect was applied in unintended locations. Fixed certain issues related to data transfer.
:: Time limited event :: Defeat the monsters that devour sprouts and earn various rewards! - Event period: 2025-2-14/2025-3-3 (Exchange ends 2025-3-6). :: New fellow :: A new companion (Snowman) has been added! :: Other :: The restore button's name and description have been updated due to the addition of new restore options. Fixed an issue where the Demon's Contract effect was applied in unintended locations. Fixed certain issues related to data transfer.
:: Limited time event! :: Defeat the bud-devouring monsters and get a variety of rewards! Event period: 2025/02/14-2025/03/03 (exchange deadline: 2025/03/06) Added "Servant Contract"! A new feature that gives you various benefits for a set period of time! Products that will make Servant Contract even more useful are also available! :: Shop updates :: Limited-time product is now available.
:: Limited time event! :: Defeat the bud-devouring monsters and get a variety of rewards! Event period: 2025/02/14-2025/03/03 (exchange deadline: 2025/03/06) Added "Servant Contract"! A new feature that gives you various benefits for a set period of time! Products that will make Servant Contract even more useful are also available! :: Shop updates :: Limited-time product is now available.
Added "Servant Contract"! A new feature that gives you various benefits for a set period of time! Products that will make Servant Contract even more useful are also available! :: Shop updates :: - Limited-time product is now available.
Added "Servant Contract"! A new feature that gives you various benefits for a set period of time! Products that will make Servant Contract even more useful are also available! :: Shop updates :: - Limited-time product is now available.
Added "Servant Contract"! A new feature that gives you various benefits for a set period of time! Products that will make Servant Contract even more useful are also available! :: Shop updates :: - Limited-time product is now available.
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