Questa è la versione beta di ITsMagic, quindi dovrebbe avere più bug e uno sviluppo più attivo. Se preferisci utilizzare una versione più stabile, puoi trovarla sulla nostra pagina PlayStore =] Costruisci, gioca e condividi giochi professionali creati da te con i tuoi amici. Ora puoi creare giochi esattamente come fai sui computer Crea giochi professionali con GRAFICA e FISICA avanzata direttamente dal tuo cellulare GRATIS Creare giochi MULTIPLAYER ONLINE non è mai stato così facile, crea giochi multiplayer online usando ITsMagic e smettila di preoccuparti dei server ItsMagic Engine ti consente di esportare il tuo gioco in formato APK o AAB e di inviarlo ovunque, oltre a pubblicarlo sul playstore. Costruire oggetti e animarli in 3D ti consente di giocare ai giochi più belli e professionali da condividere con gli amici e giocarci. Inoltre, puoi sviluppare qualsiasi caratteristica o funzionalità che desideri utilizzando JAVA uno dei linguaggi di programmazione più grandi e potenti al MONDO Caratteristiche: -Grafica e fisica avanzata -Animazioni su qualsiasi modello -Importa modelli esterni (.obj, .dae, .3ds) e parzialmente (fbx, blend) -Esporta APK e AAB Caratteristiche extra: - Editor del terreno -Renderizzatore di oggetti ad alte prestazioni (HPOP) -Supporta shader 3D personalizzati in tempo reale utilizzando gli script OpenGL e GLSL. -Java, MagicScript e Drag & drop. -Ombre in tempo reale -Riproduce i suoni nell'ambiente 3D -Shader avanzati - Mondi, modelli, oggetti, trame e progetti illimitati -Importa modelli 3D da: .obj|.dae|.fbx|blend|.3ds| -Importa animazioni 3D da: .dae -Importa texture da: .png|.jpg|.jpeg|.bmp|.webp|.heif|.ppm|.tif|.tga -Importa suoni da: .mp3|.wav|.ogg|.3gp|.m4a|.aac|.ts|.flac|.gsm|.mid|.xmf|.ota|.imy|.rtx|.mkv -Comunità e Marketplae Scarica ora e inizia a sviluppare i tuoi giochi! Unisciti all'enorme community di ITsMagic su Discord: Canale YouTube ufficiale (inglese/globale): Canale youtube ufficiale (Brasile): Documentazione ufficiale (in fase di sviluppo):
Aggiornamento ITsMagic Beta 0.1731 Beta
Video player bug fixes. Bug fixes. Armature Editor & Weight Painter bug fixes. New auto complete for java. APK Updated to match this version. New option to rename files and folders added to files panel. Version Control System in initial dev stage. Added outline shader to model renderers. Some editor gizmos were improved. Added mouse support. Editor now has keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to use with a physical keyboard. Check shortcuts in editor settings 3d editor axes have been improved.
Video player bug fixes. Bug fixes. Armature Editor & Weight Painter bug fixes. New auto complete for java. APK Updated to match this version. New option to rename files and folders added to files panel. Version Control System in initial dev stage. Added outline shader to model renderers. Some editor gizmos were improved. Added mouse support. Editor now has keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to use with a physical keyboard. Check shortcuts in editor settings 3d editor axes have been improved.
Video player bug fixes. Bug fixes. Armature Editor & Weight Painter bug fixes. New auto complete for java. APK Updated to match this version. New option to rename files and folders added to files panel. Version Control System in initial dev stage. Added outline shader to model renderers. Some editor gizmos were improved. Added mouse support. Editor now has keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to use with a physical keyboard. Check shortcuts in editor settings 3d editor axes have been improved.
Armature Editor & Weight Painter bug fixes. New auto complete for java. APK Updated to match this version. New option to rename files and folders added to files panel. Version Control System in initial dev stage. Added outline shader to model renderers. Some editor gizmos were improved. Added mouse support. Editor now has keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to use with a physical keyboard. Check shortcuts in editor settings 3d editor axes have been improved.
Armature Editor & Weight Painter bug fixes. New auto complete for java. APK Updated to match this version. New option to rename files and folders added to files panel. Version Control System in initial dev stage. Added outline shader to model renderers. Some editor gizmos were improved. Added mouse support. Editor now has keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to use with a physical keyboard. Check shortcuts in editor settings 3d editor axes have been improved.
Armature Editor & Weight Painter bug fixes. New auto complete for java. APK Updated to match this version. New option to rename files and folders added to files panel. Version Control System in initial dev stage. Added outline shader to model renderers. Some editor gizmos were improved. Added mouse support. Editor now has keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to use with a physical keyboard. Check shortcuts in editor settings 3d editor axes have been improved.
Armature Editor & Weight Painter bug fixes. New auto complete for java. APK Updated to match this version. New option to rename files and folders added to files panel. Version Control System in initial dev stage. Added outline shader to model renderers. Some editor gizmos were improved. Added mouse support. Editor now has keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to use with a physical keyboard. Check shortcuts in editor settings 3d editor axes have been improved.
New auto complete for java. New option to rename files and folders added to files panel. Version Control System in initial dev stage. Long tap on file inside files panel, then VCS -> Revert. Added outline shader to model renderers. Some editor gizmos were improved. A lot of bug fixes. New SSAO filter (WIP) Added mouse support. Editor now has keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to use with a physical keyboard. Check shortcuts in editor settings
New auto complete for java. New option to rename files and folders added to files panel. Version Control System in initial dev stage. Long tap on file inside files panel, then VCS -> Revert. Added outline shader to model renderers. Some editor gizmos were improved. A lot of bug fixes. New SSAO filter (WIP) Added mouse support. Editor now has keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to use with a physical keyboard. Check shortcuts in editor settings e il link per il download di questa app sono sicuri al 100%. Tutti i link per il download delle app elencate su provengono da Google Play Store o sono inviati dagli utenti. Per le app da Google Play Store, non le modificherà in alcun modo. Per le app inviate dagli utenti, verificherà la sicurezza della firma APK prima di rilasciarle sul nostro sito web.