追書神器Books Chaser- 最好的小說/網文追更神器 Best App for Novels

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追書神器,專註閱讀小說的追新更神器 。全網小說光速追更提醒,全站閱讀無廣告,多維推薦送好書,更有集吐槽書評交友等多位壹體的高能社區,超好用的網文小說電子書追更神器!
Book Chaser is a professional and popular App for E-Book reading and synchronization, providing the services of immediate notification of book synchronization, extensive reading without advertisement, recommendation of high-quality books, comprehensive community in which you can comment on novels and make friends with congenial people. Book Chaser aims to create a convenient, efficient and comfortable reading experience for all the readers.
【海量小說A vast amounts of novels】全網百萬小說隨便看,霸道總裁、玄幻奇幻、都市言情、武俠仙俠、青春校員、穿越架空、恐怖懸疑、偵探推理、歷史軍事、耽美同人、官場權勢、職場競技、科幻靈異、經典圖書等各類小說應有盡有;更重要的是閱讀全程無廣告,閱讀體驗一級棒。
Millions of novels from the internet are for your choice: Modern Romans, Kung Fu Novels, Fantasy Novels, Detective Stories, Tanbi Novels, Science fictions and classic works can be found in Book Chaser. Attention! No Advertisements during the reading. Readers will have an excellent reading experience.
【個性榜單Unique lists】追書根據千萬用護測評數據幫妳發現最好看的小說與時下經典完結榜及熱門原創最熱榜:特工皇妃之楚橋傳、擇天記、歡樂頌2、一粒紅塵、思美人、我的奇妙男友2、知否?知否?應是綠肥紅瘦、將軍在上、求婚大作戰、最佳女配、我真是大明星、靈域、重生完美時代、黑卡、我的美女公寓、盜墓筆記、鬼吹燈、強勢纏綿:總裁大人,妳輕點!、透視 小野醫、合租情人、鬥破蒼穹、仙道淩雲等多維度滿足各類書友的喜好!並有全球熱門工具書與名著類、聖經、中文字典、註音字典、華語字典、西遊記、紅樓夢、水滸傳與三國演義等,多方位滿足妳的需求!
Book Chaser have listed the most attractive novels on the basis of the assessments of millions of users. Original works, finished novels, popular stories are all included. You can also find classic literature, Bible, dictionaries of different languages, and other reference books. Various kinds of reading preference will be satiated!
【同步更新Book synchronization】實時跨站搜索全網熱門小說,與貓膩、唐家三少、我吃西紅柿、天蠶土豆、辰東、Fresh果果、明曉溪,魚人二代、蕭鼎、天下霸唱、南派三叔等作者更新雲同步。更有貼心的實時更新提醒功能,一鍵打開最新章節的閱讀,讓追更迷不錯過任何精彩章節!
Readers can search for heated novels on the internet. Automatic synchronization of the newest chapters and immediate notification of book synchronization make you catch up with the latest updates, so you will not miss any amazing stories.
【社區互動Community interaction】高人氣互動社區,眾多知名作家定期做客,時時開貼與粉絲互動,還有各類小說大觸傾心吐槽,快速求書、自由評論暢聊書海,以文會友。
We have a popular community in which famous writers will show up and interact with readers from time to time. Readers can express their own opinions, ask for novel recommendation, and make friends with congenial people.
Benefits of the users: New users have the chance to read a large amount of novels for free.
Vast amount of books: Daily update of millions of novels. You can find your favorite one in all the novels.
Unique lists of recommendation: Find high-qulity novels according to the readers' assessments.
Audible books: Free your hands and enjoy what you like. You can get an unparalleled reading experience.
5. 超贊的PDF閱讀體驗;
Amazing experience in PDF reading.
6. 可使用多社區帳號登陸:微博、微信
Log in the account in various ways: Weibo, Wechat (We will try our best to add Facebook, Google Plus, Email soon)
Facebook粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/追書神器BooksChaser-908938529282782/ (關註後有一定機會獲取獎勵哦)
客服Email: [email protected] (我們會盡快解決妳的問題>_<)
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/追書神器BooksChaser-908938529282782/ (If you follow us on Facebook, you may get some benefits.)
Customer Service Email: [email protected] (We will do our best to solve your problems!)

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