Everywhere for Tinder
7.3 241
v1.0.5 by Atlantida Apps
***** IMPORTANT *****
Enabled Mock Locatios under: Main Android Settigs->Aplications->Development. OTHERWISE THE APP WILL NOT WORK!
1. You should DISABLE "Use wireless networks" options in Location settings of your phone to avoid that Tinder search your location via internet.(THIS STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT)
2. Once you press the green button, launch Tinder application, then go to "Discovery Preferences" and change the value of "Search Distance" (THIS STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT)
3. Always run Everywhere for Tinder BEFORE running other apps to be faked otherwise they will use the default GPS sensor instead of Everywhere for Tinder
4. Everywhere for Tinder requires to have google play services, and google maps installed.
Requires Android: Android 3.0+
Screen DPI: nodpi
SHA1: abf348d3b11ffbbc4547fdb3057cc01580bb74fe
Size: 2.15 MB
What's New:
Requires Android: Android 3.0+
Screen DPI: nodpi
SHA1: 26c57c7ad4656b6baa82deced223d50508855d95
Size: 1.99 MB
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Android 3.0+