Bomb That Task


v2.0.0 by DSKWRK

Bomb That Task APK download Bomb That Task APK download

About Bomb That Task

Bomb That Task (Package Name: is developed by DSKWRK and the latest version of Bomb That Task 2.0.0 was updated on May 28, 2014. Bomb That Task is in the category of Tools. You can check all apps from the developer of Bomb That Task. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 1.5+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on are original and 100% safe with fast download.
Configure Once And Safe Battery Life Forever!
Its features:
- Automatically stop all unused tasks/programs/services when the display of your device goes to black (turns off / sleep)
- One complete overview of all your applications currently installed on the device
- Directly see how much memory each active applications is using
- One click task killing
- ROOT supported for extra aggressive task killing
- Many options to configure this automatic task killer to your needs
- It can automatically add newly installed applications to the auto kill list
- It's free, and supports all android versions
- Does not need any internet access! this app is completely safe, what's on your devices, stays on your device
- Optimized to use a small memory footprint while in the background
- List is searchable by typing the first letters of the task on the (onscreen)keyboard
- Many more..
Try it and start saving some battery now!
When installed please read the in-app Help to get more information of how to use it, it's under the MENU
!!Be Careful!!
It is possible (when using a rooted device or an older android version before 2.2) to kill tasks that are system critical, this can result in a reboot of your device at most.

Bomb That Task 2.0.0 Update

- made compatible with newer devices (yay!)
- fixed the notify after screen-on
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Bomb That Task Features
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Bomb That Task
Bomb That Task 2.0.0 APK
August 31, 2015 57.38 KB

Requires Android: Android 1.5+

Screen DPI: 160dpi

SHA1: e502eadbbe5fa6e0af0c011b1da93e6d26cbc510

Size: 57.38 KB

What's New:

- made compatible with newer devices (yay!)
- fixed the notify after screen-on
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Tools Apps

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Android 1.5+