B.tv (Package Name: fr.bouyguestelecom.tv.android) is developed by Bouygues Telecom and the latest version of B.tv a.25.01.06 was updated on February 18, 2025. B.tv is in the category of Entertainment. You can check all apps from the developer of B.tv and find 44 alternative apps to B.tv on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 8.0+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.
Find your favorite TV channels and enjoy exceptional image quality in 4G/5G!
Enjoy your favorite TV programs both at home and on the go!
Find the following services at any time:
• Live TV in 4G/5G and Wi-Fi (1)
• A comprehensive TV program guide
• Your programs in Replay
• Control live and resume an ongoing program from the beginning (2)
• A multitude of Radios and Podcasts
• Compatible with Chromecast: available on a large selection of live and Replay TV channels (3)
• Program your TV recordings remotely with the digital hard disk option or on your Bbox Sensation
In the event of a problem with the B.tv application, contact us by email at "
[email protected]".
You can also report a problem by going to the "Help and contact" section of the application and selecting "Frequently asked questions" then "Contact us".
(1) The TV service is available to Bouygues Telecom Fixed and Blocked Package customers, Bouygues Telecom prepaid card customers, B&You customers and Bbox customers. Watching TV channels is included in some offers and options. See prices and conditions on www.bouyguestelecom.fr. The channel list is subject to change. Service available in mainland France in mobile network coverage area (3G, 4G, 5G) or Wi-Fi.
(2) The Play from the beginning service is available on a selection of TV channels.
(3) Chromecast 1st generation not supported