Discount Calculator

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v3.2.7 by DEEBEE

Discount Calculator APK download Discount Calculator APK download

About Discount calculator

Discount calculator (Package Name: fr.deebee.calculsoldes) is developed by DEEBEE and the latest version of Discount Calculator 3.2.7 was updated on October 30, 2024. Discount Calculator is in the category of Shopping. You can check all apps from the developer of Discount Calculator and find 187 alternative apps to Discount Calculator on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 5.0+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on are original and 100% safe with fast download.
During sales, it is sometimes difficult to know the selling price of an item on sale. Therefore, to avoid wasting time, install Sale items calculator on your smartphone. Application is free!
🛒 For Black Friday, summer or winter sales... or simply for shopping in stores, Discount Calculator will be a precious assistance. By installing it on your Smartphone or tablet, you no longer have to stand still for several minutes in front of a product on sale to calculate its final price.
🛒 How to calculate a discount?
Often, we get lost in stores calculating the final price of a product on sale. In the absence of an appropriate tool, this operation can be a real puzzle.
To calculate a percentage or a discount, you have to take the initial price of the item on sale, multiply it by the discount percentage and then divide the result by 100. Of course, this operation can be easy to do, but in reality, it can take a lot of time, especially in the case of a double sale, and when you have to include taxes.
So if you're not at ease with numbers, there's nothing better than installing Sale items calculator on your smartphone or tablet.
🛒 How to calculate sales with the application?
The application has been carefully developed to help you calculate the price of a product sold in a few seconds. Once installed on your mobile device, here are the steps you need to follow to calculate the sales:
Step 1: Enter the initial sale price, before discount ;
Step 2: select the discount percentage;
Step 3: the discount calculation is done automatically;
Let's take the example of a pair of pants sold at 30%, with an initial price of 60 euros. To calculate the balance, simply enter its initial selling price (60 euros), then the percentage of 30%, and that's it. The application will automatically display the final price, which will be 42 euros ( in this example).
🛒 What about a double discount?
Don't worry! The application allows you to add two discounts in order to get the final price of the sold item.
Let's say you've found a smartphone for 1,400 euros, with a 5% discount. However, you were lucky enough to get a 20% discount code on the Internet. So how can you calculate the final price of the mobile?
After launching the application, you have to :
- Enter the initial selling price, which is 1,400 euros;
- Enter the first balance of 5%;
- Then the second discount of 20%;
Sale calculator will make the necessary calculations in one second and display the final price on your smartphone screen: 1,064 euros.
Sale calculator is a very easy to use application. Its interface has been carefully designed to allow anyone to use it to calculate sales.
🛒 What are the features of Sale items calculator application?
The features offered by the app are very practical. The user can add up to two discounts as well as taxes to get the final price. Note that the interface is very easy to use. There is nothing easier!
Taxes are customizable from the app to fit all users around the world.
🛒 When to use the application?
Discount Calculator is an application that can be used at any time of the day, as soon as you find a product for sale.
Once in the stores, don't hesitate to open the application to have it in your hands and calculate the final price of all the sale items you are interested in. You can also use it to calculate how much you can earn with a coupon code on the Internet.
All in all, Discount Calculator is made for everyone who is used to shopping. If you are one of them, you can download it right now!

Discount calculator 3.2.7 Update

Actualización del SDK
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Discount Calculator
Discount Calculator 3.2.7 APK
November 15, 2024 3.51 MB

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: e2443d311f1c3b420c13c66652c8c02a7cf5a865

Size: 3.51 MB

What's New:

Actualización del SDK
Discount Calculator
Discount Calculator 3.2.6 APK
September 8, 2023 3.59 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.4+

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: b49e63c60467eb9402b671cb5b378595a3d43137

Size: 3.59 MB

What's New:

SDK Update
Discount Calculator
Discount Calculator 3.2.5 XAPK APKs
October 20, 2022 3.49 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.4+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: d92d8ed0a45db4d61a1af9980e853cfbd2dd96b5

Size: 3.49 MB

What's New:

SDK Update
Discount Calculator
Discount Calculator 3.2.3 APK
October 18, 2022 3.45 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.4+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 97846c32adbfda1c623487bd4e73448b44ab5669

Size: 3.45 MB

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Android 5.0+