قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد

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v5.1.0 by Rif3i

قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد XAPK download قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد XAPK download

About قلائد الزبرجد على حكم السيد أحمد

قلائد الزبرجد على حكم السيد أحمد (Package Name: com.abo3bdo.alzbarjd) is developed by Rif3i and the latest version of قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد 5.1.0 was updated on January 7, 2025. قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد is in the category of Books & Reference. You can check all apps from the developer of قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد and find 140 alternative apps to قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 7.0+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.
[Book opening]
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, our Master, our Prophet, and our Master, the Pure and Faithful Arab Prophet, Muhammad Abi Al-Qasim, the cause of creation, and upon all his honorable and pure family and companions, and upon the followers and those who follow them in goodness until the Day of Judgment.
As for after:
He says that the weakest of God’s servants, the one who trusts in God in all his circumstances, is Muhammad Abu al-Huda, the son of Sayyid Hassan Wadi, the son of Sayyid Ali, the son of Sayyid Khuzam, the son of Sayyid Ali al-Khuzam, the son of Sayyid Hussein Burhan al-Din al-Rifai al-Basri, then al-Khalidi al-Makhzoumi. May God forgive him, his parents, and the Muslims. , Amen.
I have been enlightened by examining the book of wisdom of the greatest relief, the most famous knowledge, the sheikh of the sultans of the sheikhs, and a reference that perfects the people of mastery and steadfastness, the pole of poles, and the refuge of individuals and procreation, the immortal sea, whose rank God raised above his saints, by honoring him publicly by kissing the hand of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, the pole of the noble mosque. And Imam Al-Sinnad Al-Ghatrif (1), our master, our master, and our fearer, the authority of the venerable and the despicable, the owner of the tree, Abu Al-Alamein, the sheikh of the infirm, the master Sheikh Ahmed Al-Rifai Al-Husseini Al-Kabir - may God sanctify his secrets and multiply his lights with His grace - Amen.
When the eye read His wisdom, and God, with the blessing of its contemplation and reading from the heart, revealed the veil of jealousy (2); The heartfelt effort was moved to explain its great meanings, and to clarify the brief great meanings contained within it, limiting it to the necessary objectives in its noble style, seeking from God, with the blessing of the guardianship of its owner, to lead me, Glory be to Him, on the straight path. No one can seek refuge or rights except in Him, and no one can rely on anyone in all matters except Him. So, thanks to God, what was wanted was accomplished and what was desired happened. It was a nice comment and an honorable explanation, and I named it: (Necklaces of Peridot) (3), according to the ruling of our Lord Al-Ghawth Al-Sharif Al-Rifai Ahmad.
May God support us with the blessings of His guardianship and His blessings, and may God benefit us and the Muslims with His honorable knowledge and blessings, Amen.
It pleased me to write the introduction mentioned by the aforementioned compiler of Ahmadiyah rulings, the author of the well-known hadiths, the well-known virtues, the knowledge of the scholars, and the conclusion of the jurists, the close guardian of the janab al-Basti, our Master Imam Ali Abu al-Fadl al-Shafi’i al-Wasiti, may his secret be sanctified for seeking blessings through his words and obtaining benefit through his indication. He said, “May God help us.” With:
[Introduction by Sheikh Ali Abu al-Fadl al-Wasiti]
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon our master, master, and prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and upon his family, companions, and those who follow him.
As for after:
So the poor man, merciful to his Lord, says: Ali Abu al-Fadl al-Wasiti al-Shafi’i (1) May God be gracious to him with pardon and forgiveness, Amen: I saw in the treasury of the ink (2) the venerable, the venerable, the authentic Sheikh Abdul Sami al-Hashemi. May God benefit us with his knowledge of these patches in the handwriting of the great master and the famous saint and Muqaddam, Sheikh The sheikhs, the solid mountain, the sea of ​​knowledge, and the treasure of knowledgeable people, the lord of the white hand, and the great prospect, the crown of the saints of his time, Abu Abbas, the honorable pole, Sayyid Ahmad Muhyi al-Din, the owner of the two flags (3), the son of the venerable Sayyid, the guardian of God, Abu al-Hasan Ali al-Husseini al-Rifai, may God sanctify He was pleased and pleased with him, and our sheikh, Sheikh Abdul Sami Al-Hashemi, wrote in his handwriting: This is the ruling on Al-Ghawth Al-Sharif. Our master, Sayyid Ahmad Al-Rifai Al-Husseini, may God be pleased with him, honored me with it and ordered me to preserve it, and it is one of the most precious relics for those whom God Almighty grants success . Ended with letters.
Supporting evidence
The state of the people of truth with God
Special system for specialists
Raheeq Al-Kawthar from the words of Al-Ghawth Al-Rifai Al-Akbar
The spoils of both teams
Elixir extract
Jewel necklace
Muhammadi knowledge in Ahmadi jobs
Fact sheet
Flap care
The Rifa'i method
Ahmadi colleges
Fold the log
Discourse chapter
Stages of the walkers
This is the truth in the rulings of the method
White Dorra
Aquamarine necklaces based on Sayyed Ahmed’s rule
The arrival miraj
Al-Aqd Al-Nadhid in the etiquette of the sheikh and the disciple
The necklace of jewels in mention of Al-Ghawth Al-Rifai and his great followers
The conduct and endeavors in the parties and orders of Al-Ghawth Al-Rifai
Imam Ahmed Al-Rifai, may God be pleased with him
Imam Muhammad Mahdi Bahaa al-Din al-Rawas
Imam Al-Rawas
Imam Muhammad Abu Al-Huda Al-Sayyadi
Al-Rifaya Library
Sufi books
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قلائد الزبرجد على حكم السيد أحمد Features
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قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد
قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد 5.1.0 XAPK APKs
February 13, 2025 26.06 MB

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 03ebf7152fbe1f667c7e0db09608f8f20c181e81

Size: 26.06 MB

قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد
قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد 5.0 XAPK APKs
January 7, 2025 26.66 MB

Requires Android: Android 7.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: a03e5404bdb3204ccbc3969ecb531fd0d3b42883

Size: 26.66 MB

What's New:

1- تغيير هيكل التصميم بشكل كامل للقائمة الرئيسية وقائمة عرض الصفحة 🎨🕶
2- إضافة الأذكار والأدعية 📿 🤲🏻
3- التمرير التلقائي اصبح أكثر فعالية في التحكم بالسرعة 📜
4- تذكير للقراءة تم تعديله بشكل كامل 📅🔔
5- حفظ حالة الوضع الليلي واضافته في القائمة الرئيسية🌞🌚
6- تحسينات على محرك البحث الشامل 🫰🏻🔎
7- تحديث بنية التطبيق وتحسينات مختلفة واشياء متفرقة ⚙️
قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد
قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد 4.0 XAPK APKs
September 19, 2024 19.11 MB

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 3e01fb69aea6d8b6c4714897b48aa7a373f4f100

Size: 19.11 MB

قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد
قلائد الزبرجد لحكم السيد أحمد 1.1 APK
October 7, 2018 2.72 MB

Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 57f3c0d14687f4bb0aa705d2d67984299bbd1f8b

Size: 2.72 MB

What's New:

يتميز الكتاب أنه مفهرس وسهل التصفح
خالي من الإعلانات
إمكانية النسخ منه
حجمه صغير جدا
تلوين الأيات والأحاديث
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