Я ГОВОРЮ (Package Name: com.intelligentemo.dialogo) is developed by I Speak Languages and the latest version of Я Говорю: Английский Язык 131.0 was updated on January 22, 2025. Я Говорю: Английский Язык is in the category of Education. You can check all apps from the developer of Я Говорю: Английский Язык and find 200 alternative apps to Я Говорю: Английский Язык on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 7.0+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.
How is this application different from others? - You will learn English in such a way that you will not only master all the key English vocabulary and grammar, but also acquire strong communication skills in English in just 3 months. The application includes courses: Conversational English, Business English for Business, English for Tourists, English for Moving to another country. No passive learning formats such as quizzes, flash words or chat texts. Only active conversation mode in English using English dialogues on current topics. This course is suitable for both beginners and intermediate levels. How do we achieve such breakthrough results? 4 key factors: 1. Each lesson consists of a special set of exercises in English, designed to ensure that the student masters English grammar and vocabulary to achieve a level of fluency. 2. An interval repetition algorithm is built into the English course, which allows the student to transfer the mastered material from short-term memory to long-term memory. 3. The English course focuses only on the 500 most commonly used English words and 50 grammatical forms, which make up 60% of spoken English, minimizing the amount of time and effort required to start communicating in English. 4. All material is organized into 24 dialogue lessons, covering all key topics. These English dialogues make learning much more engaging, fun and effective than random phrases and flash cards. By the end of the English course, you will achieve a comfortable level of proficiency in all key topics related to everyday activities. You will be able to travel and communicate confidently with local people and staff. Is this course right for you? This course is best suited for beginner to intermediate level students (A1, A2) who have difficulty speaking and using the grammar and vocabulary they have learned. In this case, the user will need about 2-4 months to complete the course with daily exercises - 1-2 exercises per day (10-20 minutes). If your goal is to focus on academic English, such as advanced grammar or broad academic vocabulary, we recommend using other learning programs and tools. This course focuses on everyday English conversation. What will you learn? Is this enough for communication? The course focuses on the fundamentals of the English language - the most commonly used grammatical structures and vocabulary that are used by ordinary Englishmen and Americans every day. The material is organized into 24 engaging dialogues to make learning as lively and meaningful as possible! After the course, the user will be able to confidently travel and solve everyday issues. Install the application to get acquainted with the teaching methods of the free mini-course and the structure of the full course!
Я ГОВОРЮ 131.0 Update
-Решена проблема с доступом к полному курсу для некоторых пользователей -Обновлена секция по платежам. Временно добавлен метод оплаты через PayPal, и убран метод оплаты через Google Play Store из-за перемен в политике Google Play Store. Хорошего дня!
-Решена проблема с доступом к полному курсу для некоторых пользователей -Обновлена секция по платежам. Временно добавлен метод оплаты через PayPal, и убран метод оплаты через Google Play Store из-за перемен в политике Google Play Store. Хорошего дня!
Обновлена секция по платежам. Временно добавлен метод оплаты через PayPal, и убран метод оплаты через Google Play Store из-за перемен в политике Google Play Store. Хорошего дня!
APKFab.com and the download link of this app are 100% safe. All download links of apps listed on APKFab.com are from Google Play Store or submitted by users. For the app from Google Play Store, APKFab.com won't modify it in any way. For the app submitted by users, APKFab.com will verify its APK signature safety before release it on our website.