Развивающие игры детям 2024 (Package Name: com.AntonBergov.SkazkiAudio) is developed by Mama papa and the latest version of Игры для детей: Развивающие 3+ 01_09_2024 was updated on September 2, 2024. Игры для детей: Развивающие 3+ is in the category of Music & Audio. You can check all apps from the developer of Игры для детей: Развивающие 3+ and find 185 alternative apps to Игры для детей: Развивающие 3+ on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 5.1+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.
Games for children and toddlers - suitable for school education, suitable for children from 3 to 5 years old and older for boys and girls. We have a lot of useful and interesting tasks: educational games, logic, learning letters, sounds, numbers and the alphabet and puzzles and many others! It is very important that the child not only plays, but also learns. We did this, we don’t have unnecessary cartoonishness so that the baby is overloaded with unnecessary information. Just the right educational games for children, so that the child learns while playing. And plus All our applications are without advertising and all levels are open and free, this makes the game calm for the child and parents! We have toys about dinosaurs, where the child will have to study dinosaurs, run around, and collect puzzles. Learn colors - learn colors and get ready for school We learn sizes - this is suitable for kids who are just starting to get acquainted with the world About cars - where your child will be a real driver Children's hammer - an interesting toy for kids Cards - develop memory and logic, remember their location. Balls - develop reactions and emotions. Plus useful games for school: ABC, alphabet, learning numbers and others. Games for kids - this is a separate section, for children from 2 to 4 years old, which will help develop creativity, memory, attention and teach you how to solve logical problems. The baby will hear the sounds of pets, put together puzzles, and complete educational tasks on numbers and the alphabet. Suitable for boys and girls. Learn numbers are educational games tailored to the age of children from 3 to 5 years old, such as colorful puzzles, games with wild and domestic animals, coloring by numbers and learning English. The tasks are structured taking into account the child’s age and become more complex as they develop. ABC are useful games for preschoolers that will help them learn letters, the alphabet, a variety of children's games, preparing for school and learning the English alphabet, suitable for boys and girls. Games for children's development are a great way to spend time productively and learn letters, numbers, and the alphabet. Children's games and puzzles will develop children's memory and attention.
Развивающие игры детям 2024 01_09_2024 Update
Версия 2024: Добавили новые игры Развивающие игры для детей 3+
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