About Православни Црквени календар и молитвеник
Православни Црквени календар и молитвеник (Package Name: com.pravoslavni_crkveni_kalendar_i_molitvenik) is developed by Хаџи Срђан Ћирковић and the latest version of Православни црквени календар 1.124 was updated on July 24, 2024. Православни црквени календар is in the category of Books & Reference. You can check all apps from the developer of Православни црквени календар and find 28 alternative apps to Православни црквени календар on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 4.0+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.
The Orthodox calendar program contains:
prayer book, which includes various prayers, psalter, akathists, canons, troparions (for the whole year (by months), Easter, general, daily troparions, etc.).
- The program also contains the Orthodox church calendar with the dates of fasting throughout the year and the lives of the Saints - the Ohrid prologue for each day of the year. The lives and works of the saints of the Orthodox Church are described in the lives of the saints.
The Orthodox Church calendar automatically adjusts moving holidays and fasts for each year according to Easter.
- The following programs are in various supplements:
calculating the date of Orthodox Easter
date converter
calculating orthodox fasts and clumsy weeks
In addition to the above, the program also contains a widget - 4x2.
As for the rules of fasting, I leave it to you to agree with your priest or pastor about the rules of fasting.
I would kindly ask you to evaluate all the total effort, interface - appearance, usefulness of the application and then evaluate it, and not to evaluate it immediately with a unit due to a small mistake, because that lowers the rating of the application. There are and always will be small programming errors. It is your free and moral right to evaluate as you want and I will not interfere in that.
For more detailed information, visit the official Facebook presentation and the official website
All mistakes, irregularities, remarks and suggestions are welcome.
Thank you for your understanding!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, our venerable and God-bearing Fathers, and all the Saints, have mercy and save us sinners. Amen.
Православни Црквени календар и молитвеник 1.124 Update
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