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Voice Changer Lite (Vox Box)

6.8 84

v3.4 by StockleySoftware

關於 Voice Changer Lite (Vox Box)

Voice Changer Lite (Vox Box)(包名:com.ollie.voicechanger)開發者是StockleySoftware,Voice Changer Lite (Vox Box)的最新版本3.4更新時間為2013年10月30日。Voice Changer Lite (Vox Box)的分類是娛樂。您可以查看Voice Changer Lite (Vox Box)的開發者下的所有應用。目前這個應用免費。該應用可以從APKFab或Google Play下載到Android 1.5+。APKFab.com的所有APK/XAPK文檔都是原始文檔並且100%安全下載的資源。
Record your voice and add effects.
You can reverse the direction and change the pitch, plus apply affects to your voice- dalek, robot, metallic, echo, and more.
On-Screen display of your voice.
Real time mode allows you to apply (some) effects to your voice in real time. Note that if the volume level is too high then you will get *massive* feedback and a loud squeal. I recommend you use a headset and microphone, or keep the volume lower and hold your phone to your ear.
Internet / network permissions are to allow adverts to function.
Functions on tablets and small phones. Tested on ice cream sandwich (ICS) Jelly Bean Gingerbread, and earlier android versions too.
(Separate) 'pro' version allows you to save as ringtone and notification sound.
Stockley Software

Voice Changer Lite (Vox Box) 3.4 更新

Now allows much longer recordings

Includes new "pitch inverter effect". Try whistling into the device. High notes become low, and low notes become high. Speech becomes somewhat scrambled.

Voice Changer Lite (Vox Box) 資訊



Voice Changer Lite (Vox Box) 3.4 APK 2015年09月07日 120.43 KB 下載

Requires Android: Android 1.5+

Screen DPI: 160dpi

SHA1: 836d60ac6a09b4c34f97ba8a9c57f4f2ccc3b958

Size: 120.43 KB

What's New:

Now allows much longer recordings

Includes new "pitch inverter effect". Try whistling into the device. High notes become low, and low notes become high. Speech becomes somewhat scrambled.








Android 1.5+


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