2.20.0 - Timer soundscapes - Timer interval chimes 2.19.9 - Option to dim screen when in focus mode - Option to always open timer in focus mode 2.19.8 - Adaptive icon 2.19.7 - New feature board for requests 2.19.5 - Filter categories in insights (Plus) - Filter data for CSV export (Plus) 2.19.3 - Improved logs page (switch between timeline and calendar) 2.19.2 - New all-time interval for insights charts (Plus) 2.19.0 - Filter logs (by activity, category, date and more) - Adjust stopwatch star...
2.20.0 - Timer soundscapes - Timer interval chimes 2.19.9 - Option to dim screen when in focus mode - Option to always open timer in focus mode 2.19.8 - Adaptive icon 2.19.7 - New feature board for requests 2.19.5 - Filter categories in insights (Plus) - Filter data for CSV export (Plus) 2.19.3 - Improved logs page (switch between timeline and calendar) 2.19.2 - New all-time interval for insights charts (Plus) 2.19.0 - Filter logs (by activity, category, date and more) - Adjust stopwatch star...
2.20.0 - Timer soundscapes - Timer interval chimes 2.19.9 - Option to dim screen when in focus mode - Option to always open timer in focus mode 2.19.8 - Adaptive icon 2.19.7 - New feature board for requests 2.19.5 - Filter categories in insights (Plus) - Filter data for CSV export (Plus) 2.19.3 - Improved logs page (switch between timeline and calendar) 2.19.2 - New all-time interval for insights charts (Plus) 2.19.0 - Filter logs (by activity, category, date and more) - Adjust stopwatch star...
2.20.0 - Timer soundscapes - Timer interval chimes 2.19.9 - Option to dim screen when in focus mode - Option to always open timer in focus mode 2.19.8 - Adaptive icon 2.19.7 - New feature board for requests 2.19.5 - Filter categories in insights (Plus) - Filter data for CSV export (Plus) 2.19.3 - Improved logs page (switch between timeline and calendar) 2.19.2 - New all-time interval for insights charts (Plus) 2.19.0 - Filter logs (by activity, category, date and more) - Adjust stopwatch star...
2.19.9 - Option to dim screen when in focus mode - Option to always open timer in focus mode 2.19.8 - Adaptive icon 2.19.7 - New feature board for requests 2.19.5 - Filter categories in insights (Plus) - Filter data for CSV export (Plus) 2.19.3 - Improved logs page (switch between timeline and calendar) 2.19.2 - New all-time interval for insights charts (Plus) 2.19.0 - Filter logs (by activity, category, date and more) - Adjust stopwatch start time 2.18.0 - Improved category page with insights
2.19.9 - Option to dim screen when in focus mode - Option to always open timer in focus mode 2.19.8 - Adaptive icon 2.19.7 - New feature board for requests 2.19.5 - Filter categories in insights (Plus) - Filter data for CSV export (Plus) 2.19.3 - Improved logs page (switch between timeline and calendar) 2.19.2 - New all-time interval for insights charts (Plus) 2.19.0 - Filter logs (by activity, category, date and more) - Adjust stopwatch start time 2.18.0 - Improved category page with insights
2.19.7 - New feature board for requests 2.19.5 - Filter categories in insights (Plus) - Filter data for CSV export (Plus) 2.19.3 - Improved logs page (switch between timeline and calendar) 2.19.2 - New all-time interval for insights charts (Plus) 2.19.0 - Filter logs (by activity, category, date and more) - Adjust stopwatch start time 2.18.0 - Improved category page with insights
2.19.7 - New feature board for requests 2.19.5 - Filter categories in insights (Plus) - Filter data for CSV export (Plus) 2.19.3 - Improved logs page (switch between timeline and calendar) 2.19.2 - New all-time interval for insights charts (Plus) 2.19.0 - Filter logs (by activity, category, date and more) - Adjust stopwatch start time 2.18.0 - Improved category page with insights
2.19.7 - New feature board for requests 2.19.5 - Filter categories in insights (Plus) - Filter data for CSV export (Plus) 2.19.3 - Improved logs page (switch between timeline and calendar) 2.19.2 - New all-time interval for insights charts (Plus) 2.19.0 - Filter logs (by activity, category, date and more) - Adjust stopwatch start time 2.18.0 - Improved category page with insights
2.19.7 - New feature board for requests 2.19.5 - Filter categories in insights (Plus) - Filter data for CSV export (Plus) 2.19.3 - Improved logs page (switch between timeline and calendar) 2.19.2 - New all-time interval for insights charts (Plus) 2.19.0 - Filter logs (by activity, category, date and more) - Adjust stopwatch start time 2.18.0 - Improved category page with insights
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