
9.5 1K+

v3.0.9 by The Daily Wire

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關於 DailyWire+

DailyWire+(包名:com.dailywire.thedailywire)開發者是The Daily Wire,DailyWire+的最新版本3.0.9更新時間為2025年02月18日。DailyWire+的分類是新聞與雜誌。您可以查看DailyWire+的開發者下的所有應用並找到DailyWire+在安卓上的200個相似應用。目前這個應用免費。該應用可以從APKFab或Google Play下載到Android 9.0+。APKFab.com的所有APK/XAPK文檔都是原始文檔並且100%安全下載的資源。
該公司成立於 2015 年,最初是一家新聞和保守派播客公司,現已迅速成長為美國反文化第一大聲音。
DailyWire+ 應用程式是 The Daily Wire、Ben Shapiro、Jordan Peterson、Matt Walsh、DailyWire+ Movies 和 PragerU 的串流主頁。我們為我們的信仰而奮鬥。下載 DailyWire+ 以存取熱門新聞、評論、調查性新聞、Podcast、電影、紀錄片、原創劇集等。
喬丹彼得森 (Jordan Peterson) — 喬丹彼得森博士 (Jordan B Peterson) 的世界,他是我們這個時代首屈一指的公共知識分子,也是《生活的 12 條規則》的作者。以 Jordan B Peterson 播客為特色; DailyWire+ 獨家系列《出埃及記》、《西方的基礎》和喬丹·B·彼得森博士的《掌控人生合輯》,包括《願景與命運》、《龍、怪物與男人》、《婚姻》、《憂鬱與焦慮》、《談判》、《成功》等。
電影-唯一的議程是娛樂。原創且獨家的長片、文件等。收錄有《我是種族主義者嗎》、《什麼是女人》、《Lady Ballers》、《Run Hide Fight》、《草原上的恐怖》、《Shut In》等作品。
新聞 - 每日報導政治、文化、教育、體育等領域的最新動態。首先了解您需要了解的新聞事實。 《每日電訊報》不宣稱自己沒有偏見。我們固執己見,為了追求真理,我們說的和做的都是別人不會做的。
PragerU — 世界著名的 5 分鐘影片以及來自 Dennis Prager 和 PragerU Kids 的更多內容。包含 5 分鐘影片;與 Dennis Prager、Man on the Street、PragerU Kids 等進行爐邊聊天。
如需 DailyWire+ 的協助,請造訪 support.dailywire.com

DailyWire+ 3.0.9 更新

Thanks for using the all-new DailyWire+ app, featuring simplified navigation and content discovery, better progress tracking to pick up right where you left off, and introducing Host profiles and trending uncensored Shorts!
What’s New:
- Resolves an issue where full-screen playback was not functioning correctly
- Sleek UI updates for a more intuitive experience
- Performance upgrades for improved app stability
Update now and explore the latest from DailyWire+!
DailyWire+ 資訊
歷史版本 更多
DailyWire+ 3.0.9 APK
2025年02月18日 53.42 MB

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: bbdddc2acb6473b3fa6c2f584da3383dae05ccb3

Size: 53.42 MB

What's New:

Thanks for using the all-new DailyWire+ app, featuring simplified navigation and content discovery, better progress tracking to pick up right where you left off, and introducing Host profiles and trending uncensored Shorts!
What’s New:
- Resolves an issue where full-screen playback was not functioning correctly
- Sleek UI updates for a more intuitive experience
- Performance upgrades for improved app stability
Update now and explore the latest from DailyWire+!
DailyWire+ 3.0.8 APK
2025年02月08日 45.58 MB

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: ba39d8f7d6e0bd52c4fa04db3d3eda1ab3a9e162

Size: 45.58 MB

What's New:

Thanks for using the all-new DailyWire+ app, featuring simplified navigation and content discovery, better progress tracking to pick up right where you left off, and introducing Host profiles and trending uncensored Shorts!
What’s New:
- Improves casting stability for smoother experience
- Sleek UI updates for a more intuitive experience
- Performance upgrades for improved app stability
Update now and explore the latest from DailyWire+!
DailyWire+ 3.0.7 APK
2025年01月20日 45.55 MB

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 5fb1267c7192102105e05e1494d7bb1d5a1a4133

Size: 45.55 MB

What's New:

Thanks for using the all-new DailyWire+ app, featuring simplified navigation and content discovery, better progress tracking to pick up right where you left off, and introducing Host profiles and trending uncensored Shorts!
What’s New:
- Enhances the live updates reading experience
- Sleek UI updates for a more intuitive experience
- Performance upgrades for improved app stability
Update now and explore the latest from DailyWire+!
DailyWire+ 3.0.6 APK
2025年01月15日 46.08 MB

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 13c11b567b2037cbd776e685ae31a3c553c5497c

Size: 46.08 MB

What's New:

Based on your feedback, we’re continuing to improve the NEW DW+ app. This update includes:
- Easier toggling between audio and video podcasts on the unified player
- Improved live stream alerts,
- Fixes for casting issues to enhance playback reliability
- Auto-rotate for watching movies in landscape mode.
- We also polished designs and killed some bugs for a smoother overall experience.
Update/download now and let's keep building together!






Available on:

Google Play


Android 9.0+