tawk.to is a live chat app that lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website or from a customizable page.
關於 tawk.to
tawk.to(包名:to.tawk.android)開發者是tawk.to,tawk.to的最新版本3.5.2-RELEASE更新時間為2025年02月21日。tawk.to的分類是商業,包含如下標籤:Software as a Service 和 Customer support。您可以查看tawk.to的開發者下的所有應用並找到tawk.to在安卓上的200個相似應用。目前這個應用免費。該應用可以從APKFab或Google Play下載到Android 5.0+。APKFab.com的所有APK/XAPK文檔都是原始文檔並且100%安全下載的資源。
* Facebook Messenger support --- We’re excited to announce a new feature to simplify customer communication: You can now connect your Facebook Messenger account to tawk.to. This means you can manage all your customer conversations, including website chats, tickets, and Facebook messages, in one place: your tawk.to inbox.
* Facebook Messenger support --- We’re excited to announce a new feature to simplify customer communication: You can now connect your Facebook Messenger account to tawk.to. This means you can manage all your customer conversations, including website chats, tickets, and Facebook messages, in one place: your tawk.to inbox.
* Added Multi AI Agent support --- Deploy multiple AI Agents across various channels. AI Assist now lets you create and manage multiple AI Agents, each tailored to excel in specific customer support channels. This means you can have a dedicated AI Agent for live chats with a friendly and conversational tone, while another handles tickets with a more professional approach. Assigning agents by channel streamlines your workflow and ensures customers receive the most relevant assistance.
* Added Multi AI Agent support --- Deploy multiple AI Agents across various channels. AI Assist now lets you create and manage multiple AI Agents, each tailored to excel in specific customer support channels. This means you can have a dedicated AI Agent for live chats with a friendly and conversational tone, while another handles tickets with a more professional approach. Assigning agents by channel streamlines your workflow and ensures customers receive the most relevant assistance.
APKFab.com和該應用的下載連結是100%安全的。APKFab.com上列出的所有應用下載連結均來自Google Play Store或由用戶提交。對於來自Google Play商店的應用,APKFab.com不會對其進行任何形式的修改。對於用戶提交的應用,APKFab.com會在網站上發佈之前驗證其APK簽名的安全性。