Quickbase 無代碼平台讓您可以輕鬆地為投資組合中最複雜的項目創建、擴展和配置應用程序。 使用 Quickbase 應用程序,您可以從任何地方自信地管理您的工作流程。 輕鬆訪問應用程序:連接所有 Quickbase 應用程序 方便的數據控制:添加、查看、編輯、搜索和共享您的數據 安全的生物識別身份驗證*:隨時隨地安全登錄您的帳戶 內置地理定位:通過地址字段自動映射位置。 移動上傳:從您的移動設備上傳照片或文件 實時更新:查看報告、圖表、表格和見解的實時更新 *請注意,為了能夠使用 Touch ID 和 Face ID 登錄 Quickbase,您的 Quickbase 密碼已加密並存儲在您的設備上。請放心,Quickbase 永遠無法訪問您的密碼和生物特徵數據。我們告訴您這一點是因為我們非常關心您的安全和隱私,因此我們希望清楚地了解幕後發生的事情(以及未發生的事情)。
Quickbase 1.67.9811 更新
Updates & Fixes: - We have resolved bugs related to the general navigation and formula button redirects. In this release we’ve also enhanced the Beta version of our new forms to make the experience more productive and smoother. We’re committed to improving your mobile experience. Make sure you’re always up-to-date to enjoy the latest and greatest!
Updates & Fixes: - We have resolved bugs related to the general navigation and formula button redirects. In this release we’ve also enhanced the Beta version of our new forms to make the experience more productive and smoother. We’re committed to improving your mobile experience. Make sure you’re always up-to-date to enjoy the latest and greatest!
Updates & Fixes: - We have resolved bugs related to the general navigation and formula button redirects. In this release we’ve also enhanced the Beta version of our new forms to make the experience more productive and smoother. We’re committed to improving your mobile experience. Make sure you’re always up-to-date to enjoy the latest and greatest!
Updates & Fixes: - We have resolved bugs related to the general navigation and formula button redirects. In this release we’ve also enhanced the Beta version of our new forms to make the experience more productive and smoother. We’re committed to improving your mobile experience. Make sure you’re always up-to-date to enjoy the latest and greatest!
In this version we've made some under-the-hood tweaks and tune-ups across the app. We continuously update the app to better serve your needs, so we appreciate your staying up to date!
In this version we've made some under-the-hood tweaks and tune-ups across the app. We continuously update the app to better serve your needs, so we appreciate your staying up to date!
In this version we've made some under-the-hood tweaks and tune-ups across the app. We continuously update the app to better serve your needs, so we appreciate your staying up to date!
In this version we've made some under-the-hood tweaks and tune-ups across the app. We continuously update the app to better serve your needs, so we appreciate your staying up to date!
In this version we've made some under-the-hood tweaks and tune-ups across the app. We continuously update the app to better serve your needs, so we appreciate your staying up to date!
In this version we've made some under-the-hood tweaks and tune-ups across the app. We continuously update the app to better serve your needs, so we appreciate your staying up to date!
In this version we've made some under-the-hood tweaks and tune-ups across the app. Bug Fixes: - Rich text widget height on a new mobile dashboard now complies with the set height We continuously update the app to better serve your needs, so we appreciate your staying up to date!
In this version we've made some under-the-hood tweaks and tune-ups across the app. Bug Fixes: - Rich text widget height on a new mobile dashboard now complies with the set height We continuously update the app to better serve your needs, so we appreciate your staying up to date!
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