Power Thesaurus

9.7 549

v2.7.0 by Power Thesaurus

Power Thesaurus XAPK 下載 Power Thesaurus XAPK 下載

關於 Power Thesaurus

Power Thesaurus(包名:org.powerthesaurus.powerthesaurus)開發者是Power Thesaurus,Power Thesaurus的最新版本2.7.0更新時間為2025年03月12日。Power Thesaurus的分類是圖書與參考資源。您可以查看Power Thesaurus的開發者下的所有應用並找到Power Thesaurus在安卓上的200個相似應用。目前這個應用免費。該應用可以從APKFab或Google Play下載到Android 5.0+。APKFab.com的所有APK/XAPK文檔都是原始文檔並且100%安全下載的資源。
📚📝📖 使用 Power Thesaurus 提升您的寫作水平,Power Thesaurus 是由廣泛認可的 PowerThesaurus.org 開發的全面且可靠的資源。我們的眾包線上同義詞庫讓您輕鬆掌握語言。 🌟
🚀 體驗閃電般快速存取超過 3 億個英語同義詞和反義詞的綜合集合。
🎨 易於遵循的外觀和感覺 - 具有強大的輔助工具
🔍 快速搜尋 - 具有自動完成和自動修正功能
🔥 即時結果 - 基於數以萬計的每日更新
🔎 過濾結果 - 按類型(單字或片語)、詞性或標籤
🔢 彈性排序 - 依評分、字母順序、長度或音節數
🔊 術語複製和發音,方便參考
使用者帳戶功能(由 PowerThesaurus.org 提供支援):
👨‍🎓 Power Thesaurus PRO - 享受無廣告體驗和擴展結果,實現無幹擾寫作
🌟 保存收藏夾和搜尋記錄 - 以便於參考
📱 跨裝置帳戶存取 - 實現裝置之間的無縫轉換
🆕 建議新術語 - 幫助建立 Power Thesaurus 社區
👍 對結果進行投票 - 幫助其他人找到最佳條款
Power Thesaurus 由充滿熱情的作家和學生社群建構並不斷改進,隨著使用者和編輯團隊的集體知識而不斷發展。 🌟 使用 Power Thesaurus 體驗前所未有的單字力量。立即下載,看看它對您的寫作有何影響! 💪
喜歡這個應用程式嗎?與您的寫作同事和朋友分享,並幫助發展 Power Thesaurus 社群。感謝您的支持! 🤝
如需建議或協助,請透過 [email protected] 與我們聯繫。您的回饋對於我們使 Power Thesaurus 成為最佳同義詞庫工具的使命非常有價值。 💬
Power 詞庫團隊
[email protected]
#同義詞庫 #synonyms #antonyms #vocabulary #writing #dictionary #words #language #grammar #writer #writingtools

Power Thesaurus 2.7.0 更新

We’ve made some exciting improvements in this update!
- Push Notifications: Receive timely updates and helpful tips.
- Simplified Report Modal: Reporting terms is now quicker and easier.
- Updated Palette: Enjoy a fresh, modern design for a better experience.
- Bug Fixes: Various minor improvements to enhance app performance.
Thank you for using Power Thesaurus! We’re always working to make your experience even better.
Power Thesaurus 資訊
歷史版本 更多
Power Thesaurus
Power Thesaurus 2.7.0 XAPK APKs
2025年03月15日 33.21 MB

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 14d85aafdf9b568a7e2d02b76f81f09225ff0f1f

Size: 33.21 MB

What's New:

We’ve made some exciting improvements in this update!
- Push Notifications: Receive timely updates and helpful tips.
- Simplified Report Modal: Reporting terms is now quicker and easier.
- Updated Palette: Enjoy a fresh, modern design for a better experience.
- Bug Fixes: Various minor improvements to enhance app performance.
Thank you for using Power Thesaurus! We’re always working to make your experience even better.
Power Thesaurus
Power Thesaurus 2.6.6 XAPK APKs
2025年02月05日 33.06 MB

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 8b626884e442de06ce0d700ca4faa736f912f67c

Size: 33.06 MB

What's New:

Autocontinuation for Interrupted Purchases: We’ve added a smooth autocontinuation process for purchases that were interrupted by a login request.
Profile Icon Display and Upload: Fixed an issue with profile icon display and uploading a new one.
Bottom Sheet Display: Resolved an issue where the bottom sheet wasn't displaying correctly on mobile devices.
Power Thesaurus
Power Thesaurus 2.6.3 XAPK APKs
2024年12月05日 32.54 MB
Android 5.0+
Android 5.0+
arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Android 5.0+
Power Thesaurus
Power Thesaurus 2.6.2 XAPK APKs
2024年11月26日 33.02 MB

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: f989d7587ed24fb0cbb8de73d1ddcf928d3cfc4f

Size: 33.02 MB

What's New:

Bug Fixes: We've squashed various pesky bugs to ensure a more stable and seamless experience across devices.
Enhanced Account Management: Streamline your experience with new controls for managing your subscription and account settings directly from the app's menu. Easily modify your preferences, update your plan, or check your subscription status with just a few taps.






Available on:

Google Play


Android 5.0+