Idle Park!

1.0 5

v0.8.0 by Gram Games Limited

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關於 Idle Park!

Idle Park!(包名開發者是Gram Games Limited,Idle Park!的最新版本0.8.0更新時間為2018年04月11日。Idle Park!的分類是模擬。您可以查看Idle Park!的開發者下的所有應用。目前這個應用免費。該應用可以從APKFab或Google Play下載到Android 4.1+。APKFab.com的所有APK/XAPK文檔都是原始文檔並且100%安全下載的資源。
空閒公園!通吃空閒遊戲的樂趣,並與建立你自己的遊樂園的快感注入它。只需通過購買超級好玩的遊樂設施,並將其放置在你的公園開始。每次你建立將賺你的錢程 - 升級的遊樂設施,以增加你的公園的收入。你賺更多的錢,更快,你就可以開發 - 保持增長水平,直至並擴展到新的公園。
當你建立你的公園,一定要保持他們的國家的最先進的 - 推銷自己的老公園,買新的來賺取更多的錢。別擔心 - 你的公園將繼續賺取收入,即使你離開。聚斂的收入購買更多的遊樂設施,打造你的夢想樂園!發揮閒置公園!今天。

Idle Park! 0.8.0 更新

In this new version of Idle Park! we’ve added:
- The ability to upgrade your attendants with cool, new passive effects!
- The Fast Forward power-up
- The Diamond Shop
- The Daily Extra: A new temporary upgrade, purchasable with diamonds, that grants a boost for an entire day!
- Crowds of people that walk around your park as it grows.
Idle Park! 資訊
歷史版本 更多
Idle Park!
Idle Park! 0.8.0 APK
2018年04月15日 40.32 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: f25409987f093d6dd922896f008d205aee2095ea

Size: 40.32 MB

What's New:

In this new version of Idle Park! we’ve added:
- The ability to upgrade your attendants with cool, new passive effects!
- The Fast Forward power-up
- The Diamond Shop
- The Daily Extra: A new temporary upgrade, purchasable with diamonds, that grants a boost for an entire day!
- Crowds of people that walk around your park as it grows.






Available on:

Google Play


Android 4.1+