Girls Nail Salon(包名:com.pazugames.nailsalon)開發者是Pazu Games,Girls Nail Salon的最新版本1.64更新時間為2025年03月07日。Girls Nail Salon - Kids Games的分類是教育。您可以查看Girls Nail Salon - Kids Games的開發者下的所有應用並找到Girls Nail Salon - Kids Games在安卓上的157個相似應用。目前這個應用免費。該應用可以從APKFab或Google Play下載到Android 6.0+。APKFab.com的所有APK/XAPK文檔都是原始文檔並且100%安全下載的資源。
在指甲上塗些魔術!發揮創意,讓您的想像力變得瘋狂,為您上色並設計帶有大量別緻和美麗的時尚指甲。 使用美麗的指甲油顏色,漸變和閃光,驚人的紋理,圖案和形狀,超讚的貼紙和寶石,在Girls Nail Salon上完成指甲。盡情享受美甲,給您應有的待遇,讓它發光。 GIrls Nail Salon由Pazu Games Ltd帶給您,Pazu Games Ltd是流行的兒童遊戲的發行商,這些女孩遊戲包括Girls Hair Salon,Makeup Girls,Animal Doctor等,受到了全球數百萬父母的信任。 兒童Pazu遊戲專為10歲以下的孩子設計。它為男孩和女孩提供有趣的益智遊戲,供他們欣賞和體驗。 我們邀請您免費試用兒童和幼兒的Pazu遊戲,並為兒童遊戲找到一個絕佳的品牌,其中包括大量的男女兒童教育和學習遊戲。我們的遊戲提供了各種適合孩子年齡和能力的遊戲機制。 有關更多信息,請訪問我們的網站:
Girls Nail Salon 1.64 更新
Updates Notes: - Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay - We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes: - Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay - We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes: - Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay - We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes: - Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay - We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes: - Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay - We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes: - Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay - We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes: - Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay - We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes: - Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay - We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
Updates Notes: - Graphical & interface improvements for smoother gameplay - We've fixed some annoying bugs to make sure you enjoy every second of your Pazu-time Dear moms and dads, please tell your friends about us and leave feedback. Your opinion is very important for us.
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