Cross Stitch create a joyful life to you. Concentrate on it, cross stitch Butterfly, Zodiacs, Religion and Famous People. Cross Stitch Patterns sample images of various cross stitch patterns in our app. applications designed to make it easier for you who want to embroider or knit This process is fascinating from the beginning пїЅ selection of crossstitch. And so, night after night, the thread for thread, cross over the cross we see the birth of the most beautiful paintings... For example, weddings always were rich in cross stitch designs which express wishes of long and happy life for newly-married Sometimes this patterns were pretty easy to make but not meaningless It means that when our ancestors stitched a cloths for particular person they could say who this person was: how old and how rich he/she was, what rank in society he/she has, how wise he/she was and so on Cross Stitching has a great history and some people still find it interesting to make old style designs. All this designs look really antique, as something forgotten a long time ago but still alive and meaningful. But if you know the route of each Cross Stitch Pattern your work won't be just a craft, it will be a message for everyone. This app contains next categories: - Sea - Sun - Cats - Flowers - Dogs
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