CLEAR - Travel & Experiences

8.6 4K+

v2.47.0 by Alclear LLC

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CLEAR(包名:com.clearme.clearapp)開發者是Alclear LLC,CLEAR的最新版本2.47.0更新時間為2025年03月05日。CLEAR - Travel & Experiences的分類是旅遊與地方資訊。您可以查看CLEAR - Travel & Experiences的開發者下的所有應用並找到CLEAR - Travel & Experiences在安卓上的200個相似應用。目前這個應用免費。該應用可以從APKFab或Google Play下載到Android 9.0+。APKFab.com的所有APK/XAPK文檔都是原始文檔並且100%安全下載的資源。
認識 CLEAR,這是一家身分識別公司,致力於讓人們更安全、更輕鬆地通過機場安檢和全國各地的場所。透過可確認您身分的身分驗證技術,CLEAR 消除了您日常生活中的摩擦,開啟了一個充滿更多歡樂體驗的世界。
將此應用程式視為您口袋中的清晰應用程式:透過「Home-to-Gate」控制機場旅行並每次準時到達登機口。輕鬆找到清晰的地點,跳過長隊,更快進入您最喜愛的遊戲和活動。另外,建立您經過驗證的 CLEAR 身份,將您的個人記錄保存在安全的地方。
無論旅程或目的地,CLEAR 都能讓您前進。
使用 CLEAR 是完全自願的;我們保證您的資料安全並保護您的隱私。透明度和安全性是我們所做一切的核心——這意味著讓您掌控自己的個人資訊。您將知道 CLEAR 何時要求您提供資訊、我們要求哪些資訊以及將如何使用這些資訊。
在 Twitter 和 Instagram 上關注@CLEAR,以了解令人興奮的更新、新聞等。
對 CLEAR 應用程式有疑問或回饋嗎?請發送郵件至 [email protected]

CLEAR 2.47.0 更新

We’re always working to improve your experience with updates to the app. This release lets you know when your Known Traveler Number is about to expire and helps you get started on a renewal well in time for any upcoming travel.
No matter the journey or the destination, CLEAR keeps you moving. Smooth travels!
歷史版本 更多
CLEAR - Travel & Experiences
CLEAR - Travel & Experiences 2.47.0 APK
2025年03月05日 178.44 MB

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 324e789c504b344c0bd5855711fc27931e51cdfa

Size: 178.44 MB

What's New:

We’re always working to improve your experience with updates to the app. This release lets you know when your Known Traveler Number is about to expire and helps you get started on a renewal well in time for any upcoming travel.
No matter the journey or the destination, CLEAR keeps you moving. Smooth travels!
CLEAR - Travel & Experiences
CLEAR - Travel & Experiences 2.46.1 APK
2025年02月25日 178.38 MB

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 54c5c73b1483f49c6f78560cec17b5aa3e169ce4

Size: 178.38 MB

What's New:

We’re always working to improve your experience with updates to the app.This release expands the eligibility of CLEAR Plus Members who can add their passport by scanning a passport NFC chip. No matter the journey or the destination, CLEAR keeps you moving. Smooth travels!
CLEAR - Travel & Experiences
CLEAR - Travel & Experiences 2.46.0 APK
2025年02月06日 177.58 MB

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 2eb1d755570d71ce85ba4493c58c68b18b3ff5da

Size: 177.58 MB

What's New:

We’re always working to improve your experience with updates to the app.
No matter the journey or the destination, CLEAR keeps you moving. Smooth travels!
CLEAR - Travel & Experiences
CLEAR - Travel & Experiences 2.45.1 APK
2025年01月24日 178.63 MB

Requires Android: Android 9.0+

Architecture: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 200a31b13a445333ee6c16e206924283c047cdc6

Size: 178.63 MB

What's New:

We’re always working to improve your experience with updates to the app. This release includes information about our new bag drop service for CLEAR Plus members traveling from Denver International Airport.
No matter the journey or the destination, CLEAR keeps you moving. Smooth travels!






Available on:

Google Play


Android 9.0+