Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability. Added: - Vietnamese and Thai languages; - Fixed bugs; - Increased performance.
Base APK: com.oxiwyle.kievanrusageofcolonization.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxhdpi
Size: 108.11 MB
What's New:
Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability. Added: - Vietnamese and Thai languages; - Fixed bugs; - Increased performance.
Base APK: com.oxiwyle.kievanrusageofcolonization.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi
Size: 129.36 MB
What's New:
Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability. Added: - Vietnamese and Thai languages; - Fixed bugs; - Increased performance.
Base APK: com.oxiwyle.kievanrusageofcolonization.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxxhdpi
Size: 114.75 MB
What's New:
Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability. Added: - Vietnamese and Thai languages; - Fixed bugs; - Increased performance.
Base APK: com.oxiwyle.kievanrusageofcolonization.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxhdpi
Size: 141.33 MB
What's New:
Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability.
Base APK: com.oxiwyle.kievanrusageofcolonization.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi
Size: 131.09 MB
What's New:
Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability.
Base APK: com.oxiwyle.kievanrusageofcolonization.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxhdpi
Size: 112.08 MB
What's New:
Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability.
Base APK: com.oxiwyle.kievanrusageofcolonization.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi
Size: 141.7 MB
What's New:
Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability.
Base APK: com.oxiwyle.kievanrusageofcolonization.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxxhdpi
Size: 119.07 MB
What's New:
Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability.
Base APK: com.oxiwyle.kievanrusageofcolonization.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxhdpi
Size: 152.06 MB
What's New:
Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability.
Base APK: com.oxiwyle.kievanrusageofcolonization.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.mdpi
Size: 141.82 MB
What's New:
Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability.
Base APK: com.oxiwyle.kievanrusageofcolonization.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxhdpi
Size: 112.09 MB
What's New:
Thank you for playing the "Age of Colonization". Enjoy one of the most exciting strategies. We are constantly updating our game: release new functions, and also increase its productivity and reliability.
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