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Pirates Never Die Vol 1 FREE

9.2 15

v1.3 по Delight Games

О Pirates Never Die Vol 1 FREE

Nearly 6 million interactive novels from Delight Games have been downloaded with incredible ratings. It's different and it's FREE. Interactive novels could change your life!

Dust off your cutlass and run out the cannons! A cut-throat crew of pirates and rogues await your command. Do you have what it takes to make it to the end of this fast-paced pirate adventure story?

You begin your tale stalking a merchant vessel aboard your corvette class pirate ship. Unexpectedly, you're swept along the currents of greed, betrayal, and violence... And maybe a bit of romance as well!

Written by William Miller and produced by Delight Games, the publisher of Wizard's Choice and Zombie High.

*** Features ***
- Super simple to learn with one thumb/finger touch control.
- Your decisions determine the story line as well as the scores of Life, Manna (your witch magical powers), Sanity, and Cool.
- Rank at the end (if you survive).

Обновление Pirates Never Die Vol 1 FREE 1.3

Added link to the all-important Delight Games full library.
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Особенности Pirates Never Die Vol 1 FREE

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Pirates Never Die Vol 1 FREE 1.3 APK July 16, 2015 2.6 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 2da941236cddb20033e0ee042573c1692d8496c1

Size: 2.6 MB

What's New:

Added link to the all-important Delight Games full library.
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Android 2.3.2+

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