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No More Solitaire

9.3 18

v16.0509 по Nymesis

О No More Solitaire

Also known under the name of "Nertz", "Pounce" or "Solitaire Showdown", No More Solitaire is a multiplayer version of the traditional solitaire game.
It allows you to play alone without stress, face an AI opponent or challenge your friends in online epic battles.
Passionate about this game on the msn platform, I thought it deserved a second life on android.
Suggestions, opinions, bug report? Please do not hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to adapt and develop the game in the direction that you will have chosen.
I would like to thank my parents, my brother and my wife for allowing me to realize my own potential. All the support they have provided me over these months was the greatest gift.

Обновление No More Solitaire 16.0509

- Added: Nymesis.com
- Added: Avatars customizables
- Added: World ranking system
- Added: Levels system
- Added: Undo button (practice mode)
- Added: Pink theme
- Added: 4 cards designs
- Added: Translations in german, spanish and italian
- Added: Musical environment
- Modified: Help system (practice mode)
- Removed: Custom background
- Fixed: Android back button issue
- Fixed: Dialog windows format & theme
- Fixed: Online packet loss issue
- Fixed: Online invitations reliability issue
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Особенности No More Solitaire

Предыдущие Версии


No More Solitaire 16.0509 APK May 10, 2016 24.15 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 5a8cc607b130c72117eb4bb45b441d3e616cc3fd

Size: 24.15 MB

What's New:

- Added: Nymesis.com
- Added: Avatars customizables
- Added: World ranking system
- Added: Levels system
- Added: Undo button (practice mode)
- Added: Pink theme
- Added: 4 cards designs
- Added: Translations in german, spanish and italian
- Added: Musical environment
- Modified: Help system (practice mode)
- Removed: Custom background
- Fixed: Android back button issue
- Fixed: Dialog windows format & theme
- Fixed: Online packet loss issue
- Fixed: Online invitations reliability issue

No More Solitaire 16.0502 APK May 3, 2016 24.19 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 49ea591b7d783e0c1807682ebc09961b3cbe46ad

Size: 24.19 MB

What's New:

- Added: Nymesis.com
- Added: Avatars customizables
- Added: World ranking system
- Added: Levels system
- Added: Undo button (practice mode)
- Added: Pink theme
- Added: 4 cards designs
- Added: Translations in german, spanish and italian
- Added: Musical environment
- Modified: Help system (practice mode)
- Removed: Custom background
- Fixed: Android back button issue
- Fixed: Dialog windows format & theme
- Fixed: Online packet loss issue
- Fixed: Online invitations reliability issue

No More Solitaire 16.0426 APK April 27, 2016 24.15 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: a6af26c04c5afed04abade60945743374a356381

Size: 24.15 MB

What's New:

- Added: Nymesis.com
- Added: Avatars customizables
- Added: World ranking system
- Added: Levels system
- Added: Undo button (practice mode)
- Added: Pink theme
- Added: 4 cards designs
- Added: Translations in german, spanish and italian
- Added: Musical environment
- Modified: Help system (practice mode)
- Removed: Custom background
- Fixed: Android back button issue
- Fixed: Dialog windows format & theme
- Fixed: Online packet loss issue
- Fixed: Online invitations reliability issue

No More Solitaire 16.0422 APK April 23, 2016 23.62 MB Скачать

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 8b6ef729e33a713ee16fe95bbe246b048e04ff16

Size: 23.62 MB

What's New:

- Added: Nymesis.com
- Added: Avatars customizables
- Added: World ranking system
- Added: Levels system
- Added: Undo button (practice mode)
- Added: Pink theme
- Added: 4 cards designs
- Added: Translations in german, spanish and italian
- Added: Musical environment
- Modified: Help system (practice mode)
- Removed: Custom background
- Fixed: Android back button issue
- Fixed: Dialog windows format & theme
- Fixed: Online packet loss issue
- Fixed: Online invitations reliability issue
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Android 4.0.3+

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