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MS Paint - Paint for Android

5.8 62

v6.1 по Nomiax Utilities

О MS Paint

Meet MS Paint, the simplest paint app ever made. This app is so simple that adults find it boring, kids find it fun, entertaining and the best part - not too complicated.
The app is exactly as this description is - Short and Simple.
Note: This app is not to be confused with Microsoft Paint, which is also, in short known as MS Paint. This app in no way has any relation with Microsoft Paint.

Обновление MS Paint 6.1

• Fixed ad banner covering action bar (In case it still isn't fixed for anyone, please report it using the email address provided, with screenshots as attachments)
• App now supports 18:9 & 21:9 aspect ratio screens
• Some UI improvements were done
• The + icon has now been changed to visibility (eye) icon
• Numerous other small bugs were fixed
• Reduced file size
Thank you to everyone who supported this app. More updates are coming soon to bring new features.
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Особенности MS Paint
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