Moon Phases and Zodiac Aspects
8.8 39
v1.7 по Astromatrix
Zodiac and Moon Positions are updated once every half an hour and requires a data connection with only a minimal amount of traffic used.
There are two widgets, one large and one smaller. They both tell you when the next Full Moon or New Moon occurs and the current aspects are color coded depending on how close they are yellow around 2° and red and 0°.
The current zodiac planet positions is on the large widget with and app screen also. It shows you what sign the planet is in as well as the degree. They are color coded based on elements. Fire is red, Earth is green, Water is blue and Air is Yellow.
You can click on the elements of the widget to open further information about them
Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+
Screen DPI: 120-480dpi
SHA1: 9193e780a245e3dd3dd2402baece74b7df4ed179
Size: 1.53 MB
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Android 2.3.2+
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