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WISO Steuer – Tax Declaration

9.9 1K+

v32.04.1.12556 by Buhl Data Service GmbH

WISO Steuerの詳細

Buhl Data Service GmbHからリリースされた『WISO Steuer』はファイナンスアプリだ。apkfab.com/jpから『WISO Steuer』のファイルサイズ(APKサイズ):81.09 MB、関連ムービー、pv、スクリーンショット、詳細情報などを確認できる。apkfab.com/jpではBuhl Data Service GmbHより配信したアプリを簡単に検索して見つけることができる。『WISO Steuer』に似ているアプリや類似アプリは30個を見つける。現在、WISO Steuer – Tax Declaration appのダウンロードも基本プレイも無料だ。『WISO Steuer』のAndroid要件はAndroid 9.0+なので、ご注意ください。APKFabあるいはGooglePlayから『WISO Steuer – Tax Declaration apk』の最新バージョンを高速、安全にダウンロードできる。APKFab.com/jpでは全てのAPK/XAPKファイルがオリジナルなものなので、高速、安全にダウンロードできる。
The best tax app for your German taxes: get an average of 1,674 Euro tax refund. Why waste 600 Euro? The German average tax refund is 1,051 Euro. With WISO Steuer it’s 1,674 Euro.
The power-update for your taxes: Germany's most popular tax software is now also available as an app. WISO Steuer is the only tax app that covers all income taxes. For students, employees, capital investors, pensions, self-employment and for you! The app is currently only available in German.
Hours and hours of filling out forms and racking your brain about correctness: WISO Steuer got it: simply answer short questions and send the tax declaration digitally to the tax office – without any paper forms. The best choice for everyone that wants to secure the optimal tax return.
Risk-free trial
Simply download the app and try it! You will only pay a small fee if sending your taxes to the tax office.
Fill your taxes automatically
WISO Steuer is the only app with the clever feature „Steuer-Abruf“. It automatically enters a lot of information into your tax declaration. That makes doing the taxes quicker and also easier. You will save time and there is no risk of filling out tax forms the wrong way. Taxes have never been this simple!
Precise tax calculation
With WISO Steuer you will get the maximum tax refund! After each entry the app calculates your tax return.
File your taxes – 100 % digital
With WISO Steuer you can file your taxes completely without paper or paper forms. Your information is sent to your tax office fully digital, with ELSTER.
WISO Steuer – fair pricing
Download the app for free. You can check your tax return without paying. Only when you send your taxes to the tax office you pay for the service. No hidden costs – completely fair.
File your taxes – on all devices
With WISO Steuer and your Buhl account you can file your taxes on all your devices: smartphone, tablet and PC or Mac. With this clever tax app, you will be finished in no time.
One account connecting it all
Are you using WISO Steuer on a PC or Mac? And you are still saving your tax declarations on your local computer storage? Simply save the files in the WISO Steuer cloud instead. 100 % safe and always updated. This way, you only sign in with your account to access your tax declarations on your smartphone. Switch easily from computer to smartphone and back again. Your data is available on all of your devices.
Buhl Data Service GmbH and their app WISO Steuer is listed as an official partner with the German tax authority, see "WISO Steuer (Android) Phone" at https://www.elster.de/elsterweb/softwareprodukt
Buhl Data Service GmbH is not a part of the tax authority, but uses the ELSTER interfaces for digital communication with the tax office. Information about tax laws and regulatory changes are taken from the following official sources: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/ https://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/Web/DE/Service/Publikationen/BMF_Schreiben/bmf_schreiben.html https://www.bundesfinanzhof.de/de/entscheidungen/entscheidungen-online/ https://www.bstbl.de/
Do you like WISO Steuer? We are looking forward to your rating right here in the Play Store!

WISO Steuer アップデート

Hol dir mit dem doppelten Testsieger dein Geld zurück: Note 1 bei EURO 2/2025 und "Beste Steuer-App" mit der Traumnote 1,0 bei Focus Money 6/2025. Jetzt noch besser:
+ Den Steuer-Abruf jetzt noch einfacher aktivieren - so sparst du dir lästiges Abtippen!
+ Auswahl der Einkunftsarten vereinfacht.
+ Layout-Verbesserungen für bessere Barrierefreiheit.
+ Stabilität weiter verbessert.
Du findest WISO Steuer klasse? Wir freuen uns riesig über positive Bewertungen der App!
WISO Steuer 特徴
WISO Steuer ✅ Jetzt auch als App 👉 Hier die App für deine Steuererklärung entdecken
WISO Steuer ✅ Jetzt auch als App 👉 Hier die App für deine Steuererklärung entdecken
WISO Steuer ✅ Jetzt auch als App 👉 Hier die App für deine Steuererklärung entdecken
WISO Steuer ✅ Hier die App für deine Steuererklärung entdecken








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Android 9.0+


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