✔️ AI Translator ✔️ Updated User Interface for a modern look ✔️ Bug fixes and stability improvements ✔️ AI-Powered Translator for Seamless Communication ✔️ Improved user experience based on feedback
Base APK: com.language.translate.all.voice.translator.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxhdpi
Size: 37.2 MB
What's New:
✔️ AI Translator ✔️ Updated User Interface for a modern look ✔️ Bug fixes and stability improvements ✔️ AI-Powered Translator for Seamless Communication ✔️ Improved user experience based on feedback
Base APK: com.language.translate.all.voice.translator.apk
Split APKs: config.armeabi_v7a, config.hdpi
Size: 37.19 MB
What's New:
✔️ AI Translator ✔️ Updated User Interface for a modern look ✔️ Bug fixes and stability improvements ✔️ AI-Powered Translator for Seamless Communication ✔️ Improved user experience based on feedback
Base APK: com.language.translate.all.voice.translator.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxhdpi
Size: 37.2 MB
What's New:
✔️ AI Translator ✔️ Updated User Interface for a modern look ✔️ Bug fixes and stability improvements ✔️ AI-Powered Translator for Seamless Communication ✔️ Improved user experience based on feedback
Base APK: com.language.translate.all.voice.translator.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxhdpi
Size: 37.19 MB
What's New:
-Translate hands-free with voice control. - Instant voice-to-voice translation - Easy on the eyes at night -Access translations across devices -Store common phrases for quick use.
Base APK: com.language.translate.all.voice.translator.apk
Split APKs: config.armeabi_v7a, config.hdpi
Size: 37.19 MB
What's New:
-Translate hands-free with voice control. - Instant voice-to-voice translation - Easy on the eyes at night -Access translations across devices -Store common phrases for quick use.
Base APK: com.language.translate.all.voice.translator.apk
Split APKs: config.arm64_v8a, config.xxhdpi
Size: 37.2 MB
What's New:
-Translate hands-free with voice control. - Instant voice-to-voice translation - Easy on the eyes at night -Access translations across devices -Store common phrases for quick use.