CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth

CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth




CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 6.00.14 APK
2023年12月19日 13.77 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.4+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 36a3442417bade78c57d54bfb3075d9e9bdbe15b

Size: 13.77 MB

What's New:

Desde principios de septiembre de 2023 ya no es posible publicar aplicaciones que no estén compiladas de forma NATIVA para ANDROID 13, pero lo peor es que con ANDROID 13+ ya no es posible que una aplicación active/desactive Bluetooth. ¡Esto declara claramente la MUERTE de toda aplicación que incluya este tipo de AUTOMÁTICAS, como la mía! La única alternativa era publicar esta aplicación en la App Store de AMAZON, donde podrás encontrarla renovada y funcionando.
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 6.00.11 APK
2023年07月03日 13.75 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.4+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: d700e49d638ff7825d9bc1f5036b7730019a7e52

Size: 13.75 MB

What's New:

My app is a Bluetooth/WiFI activator on movement conditions, it is a "high-level FREE app", designed specifically for people with a good knowledge of Android, eager to own the most complete app of this type and to learn how to use it, consulting a rich and comprehensive documentation, including 5,000 help lines in 6 languages and 10 YouTube videos with subtitles in 6 languages.
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 6.00.05 APK
2021年11月14日 14.24 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: fd11d63b08322f4cea4cbb0cc5860a6c02b01d41

Size: 14.24 MB

What's New:

My app is a Bluetooth/WiFI activator on movement conditions, it is a "high-level app", FREE and NO-ADS, designed specifically for people with a good knowledge of Android, eager to own the most complete app of this type and to learn how to use it, consulting a rich and comprehensive documentation, including 5,000 help lines in 6 languages and 10 YouTube videos with subtitles in 6 languages.
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 6.00.04 APK
2021年11月03日 11.49 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: f1a69f6d7356d0b1bf59e078edc6ab476c85e63f

Size: 11.49 MB

What's New:

My app is a Bluetooth/WiFI activator on movement conditions, it is a "high-level app", FREE and NO-ADS, designed specifically for people with a good knowledge of Android, eager to own the most complete app of this type and to learn how to use it, consulting a rich and comprehensive documentation, including 5,000 help lines in 6 languages and 10 YouTube videos with subtitles in 6 languages.
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 5.00.02 APK
2021年03月08日 7.98 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 042b6ddf789d24aef556ab5261eda4a1b619d765

Size: 7.98 MB

What's New:

My app is a Bluetooth/WiFI activator on movement conditions, it is a "high-level app", FREE and NO-ADS, designed specifically for people with a good knowledge of Android, eager to own the most complete app of this type and to learn how to use it, consulting a rich and comprehensive documentation, including 5,000 help lines in 6 languages and 10 YouTube videos with subtitles in 6 languages.
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 4.00.15 APK
2020年12月10日 7.59 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 80e7d2542c7a1424ac654eaed12510b97efba164

Size: 7.59 MB

What's New:

My app is a Bluetooth/WiFI activator on movement conditions, it is a "high-level app", FREE and NO-ADS, designed specifically for people with a good knowledge of Android, eager to own the most complete app of this type and to learn how to use it, consulting a rich and comprehensive documentation, including 5,000 help lines in 6 languages and 10 YouTube videos with subtitles in 6 languages.
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 4.00.14 APK
2020年11月27日 9.06 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: e0a62a4f092150fccb6373c01dd9e783099b64fb

Size: 9.06 MB

What's New:

My app is a Bluetooth/WiFI activator on movement conditions, it is a "high-level app", FREE and NO-ADS, designed specifically for people with a good knowledge of Android, eager to own the most complete app of this type and to learn how to use it, consulting a rich and comprehensive documentation, including 5,000 help lines in 6 languages and 10 YouTube videos with subtitles in 6 languages.
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 4.00.10 APK
2020年10月07日 10.61 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 9f87db6f009b155ce4893cd5426877e2e90d76c6

Size: 10.61 MB

What's New:

My app is a Bluetooth/WiFI activator on movement conditions, it is a "high-level app", FREE and NO-ADS, designed specifically for people with a good knowledge of Android, eager to own the most complete app of this type and to learn how to use it, consulting a rich and comprehensive documentation, including 5,000 help lines in 6 languages and 10 YouTube videos with subtitles in 6 languages.
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 3.00.03 APK
2020年08月13日 9.88 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 0e41fc89f716c07d02e156efc1de8078cd2a31a9

Size: 9.88 MB

What's New:

My app is a Bluetooth/WiFI activator on movement conditions, it is a "high-level app", designed specifically for people with a good knowledge of Android, eager to own the most complete app of this type and to learn how to use it, consulting a rich and comprehensive documentation, including 5,000 help lines in 6 languages and 10 YouTube videos with subtitles in 6 languages. If you are not this type of person, avoid this app, for yourself and for my tranquillity!
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 3.00.01 APK
2020年08月03日 9.79 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 2ee69e8837033734611c8905e0f1bacbc8654761

Size: 9.79 MB

What's New:

My app is a Bluetooth/WiFI activator on movement conditions, it is a "high-level app", designed specifically for people with a good knowledge of Android, eager to own the most complete app of this type and to learn how to use it, consulting a rich and comprehensive documentation, including 5,000 help lines in 6 languages and 10 YouTube videos with subtitles in 6 languages. If you are not this type of person, avoid this app, for yourself and for my tranquillity!
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 2.01.7 APK
2020年06月18日 9.43 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 06f3ea8528221ff5c7820da8a4d67366992d4ae2

Size: 9.43 MB

What's New:

V. 2.01.7
really a lot of enhancements, look at the description of the release in the second page of the HOME section!
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.08.4 APK
2019年06月01日 8.23 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 98484ca604c046400022fe0abd44a3152de1a2b0

Size: 8.23 MB

What's New:

BETA 1.08.4
1. ACTIVATE also on phone outgoing calls
2. CONFIGURATION saving and restoring
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.08.3 APK
2019年05月06日 8.21 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 05fba97191dcacfc534b0164924f988c3fe92aca

Size: 8.21 MB

What's New:

V. 1.08.3
1. [M.GERBAUDO]now notifications are not raised in case of notification option unchecked (before he did anyway ...)
2. [M.GERBAUDO] made more readable the screen where you set the parameters because the characters in some areas overlapped on some types of screens
3. New Help System
4. some corrections in phone mode
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.08.0 APK
2018年12月26日 5.58 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: c9286453332c28e058b633a1c37cd5d850b1e8cb

Size: 5.58 MB

What's New:

V. 1.08.0
1. [M.GERBAUDO]now notifications are not raised in case of notification option unchecked (before he did anyway ...)
2. [M.GERBAUDO] made more readable the screen where you set the parameters because the characters in some areas overlapped on some types of screens
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.07.1 APK
2018年12月16日 5.58 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 2ac5ec273eb3f5f4023a5b7064cf9580f1970cd3

Size: 5.58 MB

What's New:

V 1.07.1
1. added STATUS ICON ontop
2. more options to manage the WARNING SOUND
3. VIRTUAL GATES mode added
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.06.0 APK
2018年12月01日 5.55 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 52f1c98d7db119bdc5e14ab5377ea82dc568815a

Size: 5.55 MB

What's New:

V. 1.06.0
1. possibility to activate BLUETOOTH on movement
2. possibility to activate / deactivate WiFI on movement
3. replaced the app scan with a synchronous procedure
4. background color / widget - dark green: enabled, light green: enabled and active
5. suspend app on exit from movement
6. added possibility to write a DEBUG file
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.05.0 APK
2018年11月17日 5.52 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 447b4d1561302015085643c579008fc1e547b8d6

Size: 5.52 MB

What's New:

V. 1.05.0
Corrected Real-time permissions
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.04.2 APK
2018年11月12日 5.22 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 6b5445a32b94a25c9d444726852814afd1503134

Size: 5.22 MB

What's New:

1. improved CHECK TIMEOUT logics
2. TIMEOUT can be deactivated from the operating parameters
3. default TIMEOUT logics deactivated
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.04.0 APK
2018年11月01日 5.22 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 1a40d0a96d56aeadc233aedc63853be97a66b9cb

Size: 5.22 MB

What's New:

V. 1.04.0
1. added languages: spanish, portoguese, french and german
2. timeout functionality can be disabled
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.03.3 APK
2018年08月13日 5.17 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 57cb942c45b22b9e6c778f87e3a6f5e5219b3a2e

Size: 5.17 MB

What's New:

Battery consumption optimized!
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.03.2 APK
2018年08月04日 5.17 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 49f0281e7be463c599d30e95627b98679bbf64ee

Size: 5.17 MB

What's New:

V. 1.03.2
- ACTIVITY mode in alternative to POSITION MODE, less battery consuming!
- YouTube HELP link from HOME page
- Integrated HELP renewed
- New icon
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.03.1 APK
2018年07月27日 5.18 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 1d09ceac7a5e6e68547ee27b0051e823b4f2f000

Size: 5.18 MB

What's New:

V. 1.03.1
- YOUTUBE HELP, callable from YouTube logo ontop centrally in HOME page
- NEW MODE: ACTIVITY, effective and low power consuming, see YouTube dedicated video!
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.02.5 APK
2018年07月18日 5.06 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: 1052c9e5ab479cd235c2205b4bb8bdabff59d415

Size: 5.06 MB

What's New:

V. 1.02.5
AUTORESTART: at the switch on of the smartphone, app will restart autonomously in a pair of minutes
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.02.4 APK
2018年07月02日 5.06 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: nodpi

SHA1: a16f4fa9094cc6ec23fa589fccccdd80e6b4357d

Size: 5.06 MB

What's New:

V. 1.02.4
- corrected HOME key in widget for the case 1x1
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.02.1 APK
2018年06月21日 3.72 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: e7d8f98b1d4ec72a1eeef7a2b7d4aef16f4a2239

Size: 3.72 MB

What's New:

RELEASE 1.02.1
1. reprogrammable WIDGET
2. added ORIENTATION mode
3. new HOME page
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.01.5 APK
2018年03月24日 3.68 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: e78f039d3cc2991462e92d16738a3f91c07ce07c

Size: 3.68 MB

What's New:

1. solved bug at apps removal/insering
2. timeout field is now correctly stored.
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.01.4 APK
2018年03月11日 3.68 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.0+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 244f5bfc40fb79dc42b58883667ca06677455ebe

Size: 3.68 MB

What's New:

1. inserted "switches" in APP page
2. IMPORTANT: solved some bugs causing crashes!
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.01.3 APK
2018年02月07日 3.7 MB

Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: ef71914970c306e2cb82ce588ab50c210179b0ee

Size: 3.7 MB

What's New:

VERSION 1.01.3
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth
CarMoveApp, Auto Bluetooth 1.01.2 APK
2018年01月24日 4.41 MB

Requires Android: Android 2.3.2+

Screen DPI: 160-640dpi

SHA1: 22082bff81adaa8d651c7e842bcf620e36885ee3

Size: 4.41 MB

What's New:

Bettered the usability of the WIDGET...