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WallMate - wallpaper animator

7.9 90

v1.161 por fossor coding

Sobre WallMate

WallMate is a powerful animated background creator. Select from a various built-in shapes, colors, different properties and time control functions. Build and animate, share and download material design, minimal, vector OpenGL live wallpapers.
• Low battery usage
• Animation editor with a layered design, draggable shapes and groups of shapes
• Easy to use timeline
• Different shapes to choose from
• Animated properties from position and scale to color and shadow
• Powerful easing functions
• Time control
• Built in Google's Material Design palettes
• Option to save you own palettes
• Editable live wallpaper examples
Pro version:
• Exchange your animated wallpapers with the world
Want to get the Pro version for free? For more information checkout our G+ community:

Actualización de WallMate 1.161

New Editor feature - masking! Convert a shape to mask and drag another layer under it to hide/show its portion.
New Animation!
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Características de WallMate

Versiones antiguas


WallMate - wallpaper animator 1.161 APK February 17, 2020 3.73 MB Descargar

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 58ddc7dc4bd228c76dd052c3d767c433418197c9

Size: 3.73 MB

What's New:

New Editor feature - masking! Convert a shape to mask and drag another layer under it to hide/show its portion.
New Animation!

WallMate - wallpaper animator 1.158 APK April 17, 2017 3.45 MB Descargar

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 5aa0407a2b6da84265df73813f9f0ebc438fbfb0

Size: 3.45 MB

What's New:

V 1.157
Updated video tutorial
V 1.158
Added "Save as" option in the Editor

WallMate - wallpaper animator 1.157 APK April 12, 2017 3.45 MB Descargar

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: c5a178a67e8e73c4d4a45eee6ef74ad7801e4c1c

Size: 3.45 MB

What's New:

V 1.157
Updated video tutorial

WallMate - wallpaper animator 1.156 APK April 8, 2017 3.45 MB Descargar

Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+

Architecture: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 7991a36bacfbc5de7e7de0ba1af3eb5c46475063

Size: 3.45 MB

What's New:

V 1.150
1. Manual mode - zoom, pan, scale, rotate and move using gestures
2. New timeline:
a) Animations now dont have to stop on each keyframe - long press keyframe number to change.
b) Timeline extended to 15 keyframes.
c) Each keyframe can now have its own duration.
3. New shape property - pivot point, a center of rotation and scale.
4. New Animation.
V 1.156
New animation
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Android 4.0.3+

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