AR Learn to Draw Anime

8.7 290

v1.3 por Spirit Realm Games

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Sobre AR Learn to Draw Anime

Do you want to learn how to draw anime? Our app is perfect for drawing anime and learning to draw.
AR Learn to Draw Anime helps you draw a host of anime girls without the hassle of watching tedious tutorials.
All you have to do is open the app, select your anime character, position the phone or tablet above your paper, and simply trace the lines for a beautiful drawing.
No need for a printer, no need for an internet connection, no practice required. If you have always wanted to draw, this is the app for you!
Now, you can even draw any picture and use ANY image or photo as a stencil. Select any picture from the Android camera roll/photo album and create custom stencils to trace. Draw anything! Impress your friends!
AR Learn to Draw Anime makes drawing anime easy. You don’t need months or years of learning drawing techniques to create gorgeous sketches. Often times it takes a lot of time and practice to master drawing anime eyes, the defining feature of any anime drawing, but with this app you just have to trace away.
In addition, this app makes it easy to draw anime wherever you are. It functions as a camera lucida app or stencil app. You can easily set up the app and make a great drawing on a napkin at a restaurant in 5 minutes or less.
-Select an anime girl and display her in the real world
-Move and scale the character in real time with a pinch
-Adjust the transparency with a handy slider
-Open any photo from your phone, and move the photo as a real time virtual stencil
Anime drawings included in this app are the following:
1. Naruto
2. One Piece
3. Bleach
4. Fairy Tail
5. Sword Art Online
6. Highschool DxD
7. Steins;Gate
8. KonoSuba
9. One Punch Man
10. Sora no Otoshimono
11. No Game No Life
12. Your Name
13. Full Metal Alchemist
14. Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko
Drawing can be fun and easy. Let's Learn to Draw!

Actualización de AR Learn to Draw Anime 1.3

-Add any image into the app! Use anything as a stencil, and draw ANY anime girl or picture. Impress your friends!
-Gallery of anime and manga characters to draw and overlay in the real world
-Moving and scaling character in real time with touch
-Opacity slider to adjust character's opacity and check your work
Updated weekly. Coming soon: tracking in the real world so you don't need a stand, more images for the gallery.
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Características de AR Learn to Draw Anime
Versiones antiguas Más
AR Learn to Draw Anime
AR Learn to Draw Anime 1.3 APK
May 7, 2017 24.2 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 51cc4956b5cc6a83c538eee0c857282624be05cb

Size: 24.2 MB

What's New:

-Add any image into the app! Use anything as a stencil, and draw ANY anime girl or picture. Impress your friends!
-Gallery of anime and manga characters to draw and overlay in the real world
-Moving and scaling character in real time with touch
-Opacity slider to adjust character's opacity and check your work
Updated weekly. Coming soon: tracking in the real world so you don't need a stand, more images for the gallery.
AR Learn to Draw Anime
AR Learn to Draw Anime 1.1 APK
April 18, 2017 24.04 MB

Requires Android: Android 4.1+

Architecture: armeabi-v7a, x86

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 77efeb0f118e521f52eab33261f223375cfe9196

Size: 24.04 MB

What's New:

-Gallery of anime and manga characters to draw and overlay in the real world
-Moving and scaling character in real time with touch
-Opacity slider to adjust character's opacity and check your work
Updated weekly. Coming soon: option to add your own images in, tracking in the real world so you don't need a stand.
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Android 4.1+