Decked Builder

7.4 345

by Decked Studios

Decked Builder APK download Decked Builder APK download

About Decked Builder

Decked Builder (Package Name: com.deckedbuilder.deckedbuilder) is developed by Decked Studios and the latest version of Decked Builder was updated on May 7, 2023. Decked Builder is in the category of Card with the feature Nijigen & Otaku and Nijigen Game, etc. You can check all apps from the developer of Decked Builder and find 126 alternative apps to Decked Builder on Android. The current price of this app is $3.99.  This app can be downloaded on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on are original and 100% safe with fast download.
Decked Builder is the premium deck building app for Magic the Gathering (MTG) -- providing a sleek user interface to research decks, find cards, and then build, price and finally buy the deck that you want.
* Find your cards
- Instant search results with no Internet connection as the database is stored locally
- Search for cards by any combination of card expansion, rarity, color, type or cost
- Built in support for tournament formats including Standard, Modern, Extended, EDH and Classic
- See only distinct cards, or find every printing of a card in every set
- Full card text search -- easily find every Landfall card, Elf, Vampire or any other attribute that has ever been printed.
* Build your decks
- Build multiple deck listings and sideboards
- Easily test sample draws from the deck, and simulate a game of Magic by playing cards to the battlefield.
- Get statistics on your deck including mana curves, color symbol counts and card type percentages
- Email decks to your friends
- Sort and filter your deck by mana cost, color and card type
* Price and buy your decks
- Decked Builder contains multiple price feeds from,,,, and more!
- Finding the cheapest way to put your deck together from some of the largest card suppliers on the Internet
- Price your entire deck with a single tap
- Easily buy your entire deck online, or just cards missing from your collection
* Research decks
- Decked Builder includes RSS feeds which are specially formatted for clean viewing and fast downloads.
- Cards names are automatically be highlighted for instant (no network required) card lookups from the built-in database
- Featured RSS feeds from,, MTGCast,, Channel Fireball, Power 9 Pro,, StarCityGames
- Deck integration with allows you to download, analyze and test the latest winning decks directly on your device
* And More!
- Decked Builder features high-definition card art scans that display brilliantly on higher resolution displays
- Full support for Innistrad day/night cards
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