Warship World War (Paketname: go.english.BattleShipHunter) wird von Wargame entwickelt und die neueste Version von Warship World War : WW2 3.18.1 wurde am 7. Januar 2025 aktualisiert. Warship World War : WW2 liegt in der Kategorie von Action. Sie können alle Apps von dem Entwickler der Warship World War : WW2 durchsuchen und 200 alternative Apps zu Warship World War : WW2 auf Android finden. Derzeit ist diese APP kostenlos. Diese App kann auf Android 7.0+ auf APKFab oder Google Play heruntergeladen werden. Alle APK/XAPK Dateien auf APKFab.com sind original und 100% sicher, schnell herunterzuladen.
Dies ist ein großes Multiplayer-Simulationsspiel für militärische Seeschlachten. Durch die Verwendung der Hunderten von Schlachtschiffen, die während des Zweiten Weltkriegs wirklich existierten, erlebte der Spieler den authentischsten und aufregendsten Spaß an Seeschlachten. Online-PvP-Kämpfe. Beweisen Sie Ihre Kommandofähigkeiten in erbitterten Seeschlachten mit Spielern aus der ganzen Welt. Spielfunktionen • Die Anzahl der Kriegsschiffe ist riesig und alle stammen von Kriegsschiffen, die im 2. Weltkrieg in Schlachten zwischen den USA, Japan, Deutschland, Großbritannien und anderen Ländern verwickelt waren. • Heiße und aufregende Kämpfe, bis zu 7 vs. 7 Spieler. • Teamkampf! Sie können nicht nur mit fremden Teamkollegen kämpfen, sondern sich auch mit Ihren Freunden zusammenschließen. • Der Bildschirm ist wunderschön und echt, jede Karte hat ihre eigenen Eigenschaften • Umfangreiche Trainingsinhalte, Spieler können die Vereinigten Staaten und Japan und Deutschland jede Art von Kriegsschiff Kriegsschiffe durch Forschung und Entwicklung nutzen. • Einzigartiges U-Boot-Spiel und interessante Flugzeugträgerschlachten ermöglichen es den Spielern, den ganzen Spaß von Seeschlachten zu erleben. • Schiffe mit verschiedenen Levels und verschiedene Waffen. Von leichten Kanonen bis hin zu Torpedos und Ebenen! • Neueste 3D-Grafik, die allen Eigenschaften der besten Handyspiele entspricht. • Touch-Steuerung und mehrere Versionen.
Warship World War 3.18.1 Update
1. Rework AI behavior to increase overall enjoyment. 2. Redesign hit indicators for better combat feedback. 3. Optimize projectile caching and synchronization, fixing numerous bugs. 4. Mini-map and carrier map now rotate according to spawn orientation, and a field-of-view icon has been added. 5. Bombs, mines, and depth charges now correctly deal area damage. 6. Switch to a winter-themed port.
1. Rework AI behavior to increase overall enjoyment. 2. Redesign hit indicators for better combat feedback. 3. Optimize projectile caching and synchronization, fixing numerous bugs. 4. Mini-map and carrier map now rotate according to spawn orientation, and a field-of-view icon has been added. 5. Bombs, mines, and depth charges now correctly deal area damage. 6. Switch to a winter-themed port.
1. Rework AI behavior to increase overall enjoyment. 2. Redesign hit indicators for better combat feedback. 3. Optimize projectile caching and synchronization, fixing numerous bugs. 4. Mini-map and carrier map now rotate according to spawn orientation, and a field-of-view icon has been added. 5. Bombs, mines, and depth charges now correctly deal area damage. 6. Switch to a winter-themed port.
1. Rework AI behavior to increase overall enjoyment. 2. Redesign hit indicators for better combat feedback. 3. Optimize projectile caching and synchronization, fixing numerous bugs. 4. Mini-map and carrier map now rotate according to spawn orientation, and a field-of-view icon has been added. 5. Bombs, mines, and depth charges now correctly deal area damage. 6. Switch to a winter-themed port.
1. Rework AI behavior to increase overall enjoyment. 2. Redesign hit indicators for better combat feedback. 3. Optimize projectile caching and synchronization, fixing numerous bugs. 4. Mini-map and carrier map now rotate according to spawn orientation, and a field-of-view icon has been added. 5. Bombs, mines, and depth charges now correctly deal area damage. 6. Switch to a winter-themed port.
1. Rework AI behavior to increase overall enjoyment. 2. Redesign hit indicators for better combat feedback. 3. Optimize projectile caching and synchronization, fixing numerous bugs. 4. Mini-map and carrier map now rotate according to spawn orientation, and a field-of-view icon has been added. 5. Bombs, mines, and depth charges now correctly deal area damage. 6. Switch to a winter-themed port.
1. Rework AI behavior to increase overall enjoyment. 2. Redesign hit indicators for better combat feedback. 3. Optimize projectile caching and synchronization, fixing numerous bugs. 4. Mini-map and carrier map now rotate according to spawn orientation, and a field-of-view icon has been added. 5. Bombs, mines, and depth charges now correctly deal area damage. 6. Switch to a winter-themed port.
1. Rework hitboxes for all battleships, cruisers, and aircraft; optimize armor distribution. 2. Change gun/bomb damage display to average (no combat impact). 3. Add shell tracking toggle. 4. Add water wave effects for moving ships. 5. Fix unusable consumables in campaign mode. 6. Fix default AP shells on battleships not activating. 7. Reduce excessive AP ricochets. 8. Improve HUD sorting in battle. 9. Optimize AI.
1. Rework hitboxes for all battleships, cruisers, and aircraft; optimize armor distribution. 2. Change gun/bomb damage display to average (no combat impact). 3. Add shell tracking toggle. 4. Add water wave effects for moving ships. 5. Fix unusable consumables in campaign mode. 6. Fix default AP shells on battleships not activating. 7. Reduce excessive AP ricochets. 8. Improve HUD sorting in battle. 9. Optimize AI.
1. Rework hitboxes for all battleships, cruisers, and aircraft; optimize armor distribution. 2. Change gun/bomb damage display to average (no combat impact). 3. Add shell tracking toggle. 4. Add water wave effects for moving ships. 5. Fix unusable consumables in campaign mode. 6. Fix default AP shells on battleships not activating. 7. Reduce excessive AP ricochets. 8. Improve HUD sorting in battle. 9. Optimize AI.
1. Rework hitboxes for all battleships, cruisers, and aircraft; optimize armor distribution. 2. Change gun/bomb damage display to average (no combat impact). 3. Add shell tracking toggle. 4. Add water wave effects for moving ships. 5. Fix unusable consumables in campaign mode. 6. Fix default AP shells on battleships not activating. 7. Reduce excessive AP ricochets. 8. Improve HUD sorting in battle. 9. Optimize AI.
1. Rework hitboxes for all battleships, cruisers, and aircraft; optimize armor distribution. 2. Change gun/bomb damage display to average (no combat impact). 3. Add shell tracking toggle. 4. Add water wave effects for moving ships. 5. Fix unusable consumables in campaign mode. 6. Fix default AP shells on battleships not activating. 7. Reduce excessive AP ricochets. 8. Improve HUD sorting in battle. 9. Optimize AI.
1. The consumable slot limit has been increased to 4. Consumable prices have been reduced. 2. Optimized the inertia effect when ships are turning. 3. The scoring progress for capture zones is changed to 1 point every 2 seconds. 4. Optimized AI. 5. The maximum speed of Japanese cruisers has been reduced. 6. The armor layout of Tier 10 battleships and cruisers has been reworked. 7. The main guns of the Super Yamato have been changed to 2x4. 8. Bug fixes.
1. The consumable slot limit has been increased to 4. Consumable prices have been reduced. 2. Optimized the inertia effect when ships are turning. 3. The scoring progress for capture zones is changed to 1 point every 2 seconds. 4. Optimized AI. 5. The maximum speed of Japanese cruisers has been reduced. 6. The armor layout of Tier 10 battleships and cruisers has been reworked. 7. The main guns of the Super Yamato have been changed to 2x4. 8. Bug fixes.
1. The consumable slot limit has been increased to 4. Consumable prices have been reduced. 2. Optimized the inertia effect when ships are turning. 3. The scoring progress for capture zones is changed to 1 point every 2 seconds. 4. Optimized AI. 5. The maximum speed of Japanese cruisers has been reduced. 6. The armor layout of Tier 10 battleships and cruisers has been reworked. 7. The main guns of the Super Yamato have been changed to 2x4. 8. Bug fixes.
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