
7.8 2K+

v1.3.A.4.26 por Sony Mobile Communications Inc.,

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Sobre Weather

O Sony Xperia™ Clima é um aplicativo fácil de usar que oferece a você informações sobre a previsão do tempo.
- Exibe informações sobre vento, umidade e temperaturas máxima e mínima para a sua localização atual
- Exibe a sensação térmica
- Configure e alterne facilmente diferentes locais
- Widget fácil de usar
- Previsão do tempo para vários locais
- Celsius e Fahrenheit
Este aplicativo usa um software de análise para coletar e agregar estatísticas a fim de nos ajudar a melhorá-lo, bem como os nossos serviços. Nenhum desses dados pode ser usado para identificar você.

Atualização de Weather 1.3.A.4.26

Melhorias no desempenho
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Recursos de Weather
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Clima 1.3.A.4.26 APK
November 13, 2019 12.24 MB

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 4bc45d7e759aecf759944069a82dc43c6523fc4c

Size: 12.24 MB

What's New:

Melhorias no desempenho
Clima 1.3.A.4.22 APK
June 18, 2019 12.24 MB

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 6ba204d22635b8686b2e7be7a8589479e9a06a7f

Size: 12.24 MB

What's New:

An app stability and optimization update - please download this update.
Changes : Improved performance optimization.
Note: If upgrading from 1.3.A.3.14 Please enter app at least once if using weather widgets, and if you're using current location tracking feature on any of our widgets, please give your consent in app for location sharing.
Clima 1.3.A.4.15 APK
March 10, 2019 12.24 MB

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 6599ffbe74a502219c07b5c200e0109d380d951d

Size: 12.24 MB

What's New:

An app stability and optimization update - please download this update.
- Fixed small bugs related to severe weather alert notification.
- Reduction of server API call.
If upgrading from 1.3.A.3.14 Please enter app at least once if using weather widgets, and if you're using current location tracking feature on any of our widgets, please give your consent in app for location sharing.
Clima 1.3.A.4.11 APK
December 1, 2018 12.23 MB

Requires Android: Android 5.0+

Screen DPI: 120-640dpi

SHA1: 47710462650eb2fe5ef10bd3d80ebbdedc534697

Size: 12.23 MB

What's New:

- App moved to a new modern and easier to maintain codebase
- Noticeable performance upgrades
- Several bug fixes
- New consent screen
Note1: If you are using Clock & Weather widget or Weather widget that is set to track weather at your location, you will need to enter Weather app and give your consent to access location data.
Note2: If you are using Weather widget set to track any location other than current, you will need to enter weather app once after update in order to restore it.
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Clima Apps

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Android 5.0+